bad news

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I woke up to an empty room, the boys must have gone down for breakfast.
I got up and wrapped a dressing gown around me and went to go and get breakfast. I got allot of stares because I was in my p.j.s but u really couldn't care less.
I found the table we're the boys were sat at and sat myself down next to brooklyn and luckily my dad wasn't at breakfast. yay. "Were is dad" I asked them all ." He had to go to the venue eariler because of checks about something" mikey said.
"Oh,ok "I was gonna say something else  but I got cut off by an announcement. "We have recently just found out that we have a special celebrity guest staying with us , can we plz give a warm welcome to hrvy."
Then they started playing personal on their hotel radio. We all just giggled and started yelling personal at the top of our lungs . I'll tell you one thing, staying with the boys is never quiet except from when they are sleeping. Whilst they were singing brook pulled me in to his arm, I looked up and smiled at him whilst planting a soft kiss on his cheek and then burring my head into his chest. He went in to kiss my forehead but then we were interrupted  by the announcement person saying  " we are also dilighted to be able to host roadtrip as well as hrvy, we would like to give a warm welcome with some of their top songs." They then played after the show and no no no. All the boys where way to hyperactive for the mornings, even jack which is a surprise that he is awake ,never mind hyper.
Once the boys were finished singing, my dad stormed in . He was clearly mad at something but I couldn't tell what. I was just happy that at the moment in time he hadn't seen me sat on Brooks lap. "Sydney, can I talk to you for a second" he said will worried in his voice. I walked up to him and we walked away from the boys. "What's happened" I asked . " erm, so you know your mother." He looked really scared when he paused, "yer " I reply , i was petrified of that woman, she use to lock me in cupboards if I did one ring thing wrong. Luckily the boys never knew about her, they were told at the beginning that ginger was my mum. Dad continued, " well your mum has requested shared custody over you, ". "Shared custody. NO.NONONONO. I am not going back with that maniac she shouldn't be all-out to look after a duck never mind a teenager. Anyway I'm sixteen I can look after myself better that she could look after me." I yell and ran away to my room to get ready and so no one could see my tears.
Once I was in my bedroom ,that I share with harvey, mikey and andy, I heard a knock on the room. " Sydney can you come and unlock the door, I need my phone." It was andy. I let him in and carried on doing my hair he obviously could see something was wrong in my eyes. He came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He turned me around so he could see my face and looked at me. "What is wrong, don't say nothing because your obviously worried and upset." His cind words made me give in. " it's my mum" i whisper.
"What , ginger?" He replies
"No, my real mum. Gingers my step mum. I chose to live with my dad because my mum wasn't for to raise a child and the judge wouldn't send her to jail No matter how many times I tried." I burst into tears and andy pulled me into a hug.
"What is she trying to get you to do now then, if you don't mind me asking"
" she asked for shared custody and now won't stop texting me." I showed him my phone messages.

Wicked witch of the West 👿😈

Me- your not getting shared custody of me, I just thought it let you know.
Her- oh, it thought you'd say that so I did some research and found out about your little secret boyfriend you keep hidden from blair
Her- not replying,  I see it is true then
Her -Sydney answer me now young lady
Her- I know where you are and your little friends will find out about me soon and your little shenanigans from why you moved away, we wouldn't like that to happen would we darling, so reply or your romance future is dead
Me- what do you mean 'shenanigans' Didn't do anything I just got away from you.
Her- yes , but they don't know that do they. And who will the belief, a mature adult or a silly 16 year old
Me- you don't know where I am, and you wouldn't dare come, your to chicken to
Her- I'm too chicken . Watch me love

*back to the story*
  Andy - What are you gonna do
"I have no clue" I answered

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