after the show

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After the show it was the meet and greet. I was aloud to go there because everyone knew I was Blair's daughter and wouldn't suspect anything about me and brooklyn. I was terrified from my mum's threats because she lived in the part of America where i was  touring with roadtrip. The only person who knew about my mum's texts was Andy. I couldn't tell my dad because he would get super over protective and probably not let me leave anywhere without him. If any of the boys knew they would all tell Brook.
After the meet and greet we all went back to the hotel . We stayed in brooklyn and Jack's room and ordered take away pizza, It was delicious. We watch a movie while eating pizza, well i forced the boys to watch a romcom because it was cute and I'd been meaning to watch it for ages. As I was getting comfy in Brooks chest I heard a knock at the door. "Ill go and get it" mikey said as he reach out his legs to stand up. After about a minute I heard someone walk into the room. mikey then said a sentence with a confuced manner"its for you Sydney " he motioned towordes the person in jack and Brooks room.
It was her...

[Sorry for it being so short- becca🍀🍀]

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