Chapter Four

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The first thing I did after breakfast the next day was leave early to visit my solicitor. Mr. Douglas raised an eyebrow when he heard my request. "Would you rather I not allow Mr. Windibank access to the funds?" he asked, his tone gentle. "It is generous of you to allow him to have use of the interest at all."

"No," I said quickly. While I wanted to protect myself as best I could, I wasn't completely stupid. I was only safe while I was useful to my stepfather. "I still want to assist my mother with expenses, however, I also want to make sure I am not taken advantage of."

With a nod, Mr. Douglas made a note. "Do you wish your stepfather to make alterations to your investments?"

"No, of course not." The last thing I wanted was James to have any more control over my money. "Has he tried?"

Mr. Douglas looked down at the papers on his desk. "He's made suggestions, but I tend to be more cautious about such matters. I understand he only wishes what is best for you, Miss Sutherland."

I didn't argue the point. "Thank you for your help, Mr. Douglas. I appreciate it very much."

"Has something happened to concern you?" Mr. Douglas asked, lifting his gaze. His forehead was wrinkled with a frown. "These stipulations you've laid out are...odd, I must say. Should you marry, your husband would take control of your assets and your parents would no longer be able to do so."

Of course he would assume that would be the only reason I would no longer be under my mother's roof. Dare I tell him about Mr. Sutherland's threat? No, not when any decision I made could be contested as being invalid because I may be 'insane'.

"I just want to be certain there are no loopholes or any possible way I might be at a disadvantage. My uncle would expect me to do so, I'm sure."

The solicitor started to say something and then paused. "Of course. I'll make certain your wishes are honored. Will there be anything else, Miss Sutherland? Any other concerns?"

There was not. I thanked him and took my leave. A cold wind made me shiver when I left the office. I went about the rest of my day, pleased I had accomplished at least one thing to protect myself. Now, I just needed to make contact with Mr. Holmes.

Since I'd seen my shadow when I left home, I knew he would be there when I was done with my typing. Therefore, I took a break from typing to write a note with the intention of sending it as a telegraph when I completed my sheets of the day.

What I hadn't planned on was James Windibank to be waiting for me as soon as I stepped out of the office. "Ah, there you are, Mary," he said, his hand curling around my wrist. "I've come to walk home with you. It's not always safe for a young lady on her own, you know."

"No, I didn't know," I said primly. I'd walked to and fro on my own for some time now, and have been perfectly fine. Granted the previous year, with the terrible killings by Jack the Ripper, I had been hesitant to walk alone. Much of the typing I'd done was at home during that time. When there had been no new murder and the furor had calmed, I'd returned to my old routine.

"Oblige me," James said, tightening his grip on my wrist. With a pained cry, I let go of the message I'd written. In a flash, James bent down and picked it up. "And what's this?"

"Personal," I said as I tried to snatch it back.

He stepped out of my grasp and unfolded the paper. His lips pressed into a thin line as he read my brief plea. "Did I not say you were not to have anything to do with that charlatan?" he demanded, lifting his gaze to me.

"Perhaps, but I never agreed to do so." Perhaps my fierceness was the wrong tact for me to take. Oh, why had he come? His office was not near where I worked, so he must have had a reason to come.

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