Chapter Six

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Saturday afternoon arrived sooner than I wished. I hadn't worked out any idea what James wanted. I eyed him with mistrust as we took a four-wheeler to the Rouillard townhouse. He seemed completely at ease as he chatted to Mother about some happening at his office that morning.

Once we arrived, Miss Rouillard welcomed my parents graciously. My stepfather immediately set himself to charm her and her parents. As I watched him, I suspected by the time we left, James would have gained a new patron for his wine business.

Was that the only reason he had come? It seemed such an insignificant thing, surely there was more to it.

"Miss Sutherland!" Miss Carter appeared in front of me with a bright smile. "I am delighted to see you. What has you looking so serious today? Mind you don't let Liz catch you looking so stern. She is convinced these charitable events of hers are enjoyable affairs for everyone invited."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mother frown at Miss Carter's enthusiastic speech. "Miss Evangeline Carter, may I present you to my mother, Mrs. James Windibank,." I introduced. "Mother, this is my new friend, Miss Carter, who I've told you about."

"Delighted to meet you!" Miss Carter said, extending her hand.

Mother gave a nod of acknowledgment but said nothing. Miss Carter shifted her hand to catch my arm. "I'm sure you won't mind me taking Miss Sutherland off with me for a bit," my friend said. "I'll return her unharmed, I promise."

And just like that, I was drawn away from Mother before she could utter a word of protest. "You poor thing," Miss Carter said, keeping her arm looped around mine. "Whatever did you do to require a chaperone?"

"Disagreed with my stepfather," I said in answer. "You can see him charming Miss Rouillard now."

Miss Carter wrinkled her nose. "I thought he was being a bit too charming," she said. "Is he trying to distract her into forgetting that he has entered her home without an invitation?"

"With my stepfather, who knows?"

"Well, we shall have to find other ways of entertaining you without giving your stepfather time to interfere."

Surprised, I studied her. Her tone was sincere but why the interest in me? She let out a laugh. "I have puzzled you, have I not? Am I overwhelming you with my exuberance and wild ways?"

"Yes," I said honestly. "Though I wouldn't say you were wild."

"Oh, I'm not really, but Liz and other ladies of my acquaintance seem to think I need to cultivate demureness," Miss Carter said, nodding towards our mutual acquaintance. "I simply enjoy life, and I want those around me to have the same enjoyment. As soon as we met, I could see that you are trying to do so but it is not so easy for you. I hope you don't mind me saying so."

"N-no," I stammered, even more astonished by her words. "I didn't think I was so easy to read."

"Your eyes are quite expressive, even when they are hidden by spectacles."

Though I wished to have Miss Carter explain herself further, James approached us then. "Mary, introduce me to your friend," he said, his tone tinged with disapproval.

"Miss Evangeline Carter, my stepfather, James Windibank," I said with little enthusiasm. "James, Miss Carter."

James took Miss Carter's hand and brought it up to his lips. "I am so pleased to meet you, Mr. Windibank," the lady said with a tight smile. "I'm even more pleased that you allowed Miss Sutherland to come today."

My stepfather paused. "Of course I allowed her to come," he said, glancing at me. "What has she been saying about me?"

"Oh, nothing of consequence."

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