Chapter Five

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"Mary, I stopped by your solicitor's office this afternoon," James said at dinner a week after I first met Miss Carter. "I've found several interesting ventures that I know would be worthwhile for your inheritance."

"Oh?" I reached for my wine glass.

"Mr. Douglas seemed reluctant to listen to me. More so than in the past. In fact, he refused to even look at the information I had. Why is that, do you think?"

I sipped my wine without really tasting it. "You know he tends to be cautious when it comes to which investments he will take a risk on," I said evenly. I set my glass down, trying to appear unconcerned. "He's satisfied with what my funds are invested in."

"I have evidence to prove these ventures are worth looking in to," James said, his tone sharp. "I think it might be time to find someone who can manage your funds better than Douglas. I've kept this opinion to myself for some time now, but I refuse to let you be taken advantage of for a moment longer."

"He managed my uncle's interests exceptionally well, and I have not been disappointed in him." My appetite had fled, so I merely poked at the boiled potatoes on my plate. "I'm content to let things remain as they are."

The entire table shook as James slammed his fist down on the top. "Look at me!"

At his outburst of anger, I couldn't do anything but look at him. Across from me, Mother heaved a sigh. "Mary, honestly. Must you be so disrespectful?" she asked. "Here your father has gone to a great deal of trouble to find avenues for you to improve your inheritance and you are disregarding them without a single thought."

"It was not my intention to be disrespectful, and I apologize if it sounded as though I was. I merely disagree with his opinion," I said with as much calm as I could muster. "I see no reason to make any changes. My uncle was careful when he arranged the matter, you see, and I do not want to do anything that he would disapprove of."

"Tomorrow, we are going to go to your solicitor and make some changes," James said, getting my attention. He picked up his own wine glass and raised it to his lips.

The last thing I wanted was another confrontation with him but there was no chance I was going to remove Mr. Douglas from handling my money. I had so few people I could rely on that I had to keep the ones who I knew had my best interests in mind. "No. I have a full day of typing tomorrow, James, and I will not shirk my responsibilities."

James went completely still. "What did you say?" he asked, his tone a deadly calm.

"I said no, I will not be seeing my solicitor tomorrow," I said matter-of-factly. "Mr. Douglas has been all that is kindness, and I trust him. I see no reason why I should seek someone else, who may not understand my position or desires so well."

"Mary Elizabeth Sutherland!" Mother had used my full name more in the last year than in my entire life. "I don't understand you! Why are you behaving in this independent, terrible way? Did you not listen to your father's reasons?"

"You will do as I say, Mary," James said, his voice lowering. It was more frightening than when he yelled. "Or have you forgotten what happens when a young lady does not behave as she should?"

His threat should have frightened me as it had before. At that moment, though, I was too tired to give it any notice. After all, if I were removed from the house, the allowance from my inheritance would stop. James wouldn't allow that, and I was certain it would not be so easy for him to pursue a legal avenue to seize my money.

"I'm sure you will do what you feel you must," I said. "Miss Rouillard, however, will wonder if I do not attend her charity auction next week."

That made James pause and he glanced at my mother as if to confirm what I said was the truth. "I thought I made it clear your mother and I would have to approve of any plans you made," he finally said, his tone losing a bit of his anger.

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