Chapter Eleven

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After I told Evangeline what had happened, she vowed not to let me go anywhere alone. "I should not be surprised that such a cruel person would resort to such criminal methods because he has been thwarted, but I am!" she exclaimed. "Well, he will find that it will not do. He shall not have another chance to do you harm."

"But for how long?" I asked. "Must I live the rest of my life always looking over my shoulder? And you know I cannot remain in your parents' house for long."

"They are happy to have you here!" she said in protest.

I shook my head. "Be that as it may, you know I am right."

"Well, then, did not Mr. Holmes say in the story that he had no doubt James Windibank would progress to more criminal acts?" Evangeline asked suddenly. Her eyes brightened. "We must discover whether that it is true or not!"

"Why?" I didn't even bother trying to hide my puzzlement. What was she trying to get at? "And how do you recommend I do so?"

"We must hire an investigator, of course. And we will do so that we may have your stepfather apprehended for any crimes he may have committed in the past year or so. If he is imprisoned, you will not have to worry about him again."

"Do you think Mr. Holmes would take such a case?"

Evangeline frowned. "To be honest, I'm not entirely convinced Mr. Holmes should be the one we hire for this job. You asked him to find Hosmer Angel for you, and though he did so, he didn't tell you. He let all this time go by without a single warning to you."

"True," I conceded reluctantly. "But he is the best, isn't he? Dr. Watson reported him to be quite angry with my stepfather for what he had done. Surely, he would be willing to aid me in this."

My friend twisted her face in a mixture of reluctance and thoughtfulness. "You do have a point," she said with a sigh. "Very well. Let us go to Mr. Holmes, and at once! I would like to give him a piece of my mind on his shabby treatment of you."

A laugh bubbled up and left my lips. "I think that once you are in his presence, you may think differently," I said. "Though he can be very considerate and an excellent listener, he has an air about him which warns a lady not to cut up at him. He wouldn't tolerate such treatment."

"Well, I shan't allow him to intimidate me!"

However, I was never to see whether Evangeline was intimidated or not. When we arrived at 221 Baker Street the next afternoon, the housekeeper informed us that Mr. Holmes was gone and she couldn't say when he would return. She closed the door firmly before we could protest.

"That is very irritating," Evangeline said as she turned from the door. "I wonder if Alfred knows where we could find another detective."

We began walking along the pavement. Overhead, the clouds darkened ominously. "We should return," I said uneasily. Neither of us had brought an umbrella, and I had no desire to get soaked with rain. "Perhaps your father may have a suggestion?"

"Perhaps," Evangeline said with a sigh. She raised her hand to summon a hansom. "I wish there was something we could do now. I dislike uncertainty and waiting."

I had to laugh at her displeasure. How very like her it was! The hansom came to a halt and Evangeline gestured for me to climb in before her. I no sooner had both feet in the cab when it jolted forward.

With a cry, I fell on to the seat. "Mary!" I heard Evangeline scream. "Help! Police! Stop that cab! Mary!"

The cab bumped and swayed as it raced along. I struggled to right myself. "Stop this instant!" I cried, banging on the back of the cab. "I demand you stop!"

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