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I was awaken by the familiar sound of sea water clashing onto the shore.

My eyelids felt too heavy to lift up but I did so anyway. I was lying on my hammock and looked around. I was in my shack that stood just at the beach. I was about to get off but I then realized I feel so...horrible.

My head was in pain from the pounding headache. Every muscle in my body was aching. I let my hands wrapped around my body as I felt cold and I was shivering but I was also sweating? What is happening to me?

I didn't feel like getting off from my hammock. I just feel like staying there all day hoping that these terrible feelings would go away. I thought of going back to sleep since my body felt too heavy to stand or even sit up. I breath in the fresh air and sighed as I close my eyes again, letting sleep take over me when I heard an explosion.

I groaned in frustration because my headache felt worser than before. I already knew who would cause that explosion and I already knew where it happened as I could clearly hear the screams of the residents of the village.

Even though I completely felt like I can't fight right now, I still need to stop Eggman from bringing havoc into the village. I stood up and ran off to the area. I was immediately there within a second and I saw innocent Mobians run around, screaming for their lives. I saw the same kind of robots that Eggman would usually bring to attack me and my friends.

Speaking of friends...I don't see Tails, Amy, Knuckles or Sticks. They should have been here now to help as well. Oh wait. Now I remember, Tails went to some science convention far away from the village along with Knuckles who brought his own invention that was already invented but he just added a '2000' in the word. While Amy dragged Sticks to some girly gathering whatever it was.

Looks like I'm on my own.

I was about to ran off to fight the robots but I coughed for a bit before finally going off. I spindash through the robots and managed to destroy a few of them. My headache was getting worse and worse by the second. I shut my eyes close, letting my hand rub the part where it hurt the most.

"So you pesky blue rodent finally decided to show up!"I heard a voice shout out to me that only added the pain but I hid it.

"Did you miss me Egghead?" I said a snarky remark while crossing my arms at none other than, Dr. Eggman.

"Rrrghhh! I will destroy you hedgehog!"he said irritated at me and pressed on that bracelet device thing he had on his right wrist. (sorry I don't know what Eggman calls it. hehehe) Out of no where his obliterator bot appeared in front of me. He laughed maniacally and ordered his robot to as usual destroy me and my friends. But then he noticed that it was only me and that my friends never seem to came.

"Wait where are the other rodents? Where's the fox with two tails, that annoying pink brat, that stupid red echidna and that scary badger?"he shouted at me as I flinched from every word he said. My headache was getting worse.

"Those rodents you are calling are my friends! They're not here, They're busy with their own stuff." I said to him. "It's just you and me Eggface!"I shouted at him gritting my teeth from the throbbing pain.

"Well in that case, I get to have more fun destroying you! Obliterator bot, attack!"he screamed pointing at me.

I ran and spindash at the robot aiming for the chest but it did nothing. I did it again but this time on the head only to have it try to claw at me. I jump out of harms way and groan as my whole body ache from moving too much and not to forget the stupid headache that is like seriously splitting my head apart from the pain.

"Oh! What's that Sonic? Are you in pain?"he asked me sarcastically. "You have barely even begun to fight!"he added.

As much as I love talking back to him I just couldn't think clear of what to say with all the pain I am trying to hide right now.

I felt myself getting hit pretty hard by that giant piece of metal's claw. I was thrown back far and felt myself crashed into a wall as dust and debris went flying off. I tried to quickly get up but my body was already yelling at me to stop. But I can't, not until the job is finished. I ran towards the robot and jumped landing onto his head.

"Giant tincan try to catch me! I'm right here!"I said waving my hand at the robot.

It moved its claw hand to try and catch me but I spindash to jump off and land on its chainsaw like hand. Obliterator bot tried to shoot its laser at me but I jumped off into the ground and ran towards the other robots that were terrorizing with other innocent Mobians. It kept shooting lasers at me as I pass by each of Eggman's other robots having its lasers destroy every other robots.

I stopped to look and felt slightly dizzy that I almost lost my balance. That's when a laser was shot right in front of me and I stumbled on my back. I groaned at the pain and tried to get up. My body was already giving up on me, every limb ached because I kept moving too much. Then I suddenly felt myself being held around tightly as I was brought up high in the air to face Eggman. I realized that his robot got me within its metal claw.

"Oh you don't look so well Sonic."Eggbreath said mocking me.

Before I had the chance to say a good comeback I felt the robot's grip get tighter than before. I began struggling and screaming in pain. Then I was suddenly feeling light-headed and that's when I became unconscious.

Sonadow: "I'm In Love with Faker" (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now