Chapter 2. Shae.

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It's late, I feel the temperature drop, I brace myself for a cold night ahead. There's not much shelter here, not much of anything.

My stomach burns with hunger, it's been weeks
since we've had any food. I look over at Shae feeling guilty that I'm doing such a lousy job of looking after him. He looks up, as if he's aware that I'm watching him.

"What's up" he asks, I hesitate.

"Nothing, you ok?"

"Yeah" but I know he's not, not really, he's cold hungry and scared but there's no way he'll admit it, he feels he has to protect me.

The guilt cuts through me. He has no idea that I'm responsible for this. I've made some mistakes in my time, but nothing compares to this. If only I'd left it alone, ignored the urge to explore. If only I'd listened to her warnings then maybe this could have been prevented.

The night is drawing in, the amber light fading into the deep purple of the night. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it. Even though I'm finding it harder each day to remember how it used to look.

The bare trees punctuate the skyline, dead and decaying it's hard to believe they ever lived, much like everything else round here.

The atmosphere is filled with static electricity, it's hard to breathe but we manage, I can't work out why we survived when so many perished.

I look at Shae again, I notice his skin is developing a silver sheen much like my own. His eyes are closed, if I didn't know any better I'd say he was scanning, but that's not possible.

His expression is intense, he's looking, I can tell, but he's not ready yet, he can't see what's not there, not yet anyway.

I look away, it hurts to see him like this, desperate to connect, to plug back in but I can't let him. I won't let him, I need him here with me. I need to break the fibres, free him from the web, let him follow the path to freedom.

I sit next to him, reach over and touch his hand. Pull him back gently, if I push too hard he'll throw his defences up, his gift is much stronger than mine. I feel him coming back to me, a little resistance but nothing too bad. The connection breaks and he's back.

He looks towards the woods, "l'm hungry"

"I know"

"Why can't we go ask them for food?"


I freeze, I thought we were alone out here, I thought we were safe.

"The kids in the cave"

My heart beats faster, I try not to react, stay calm, I can't scare him. I'm the one in charge, I brought him here.

Truth is I'm scared, I don't even know how to look after myself and yet here I am, looking after the both of us. I need to find Aurora, she's going to be so mad at us. I should have listened, should have gone with her but I didn't want to, I had no idea Shae even knew I was planning to stay. I never meant for him to be out here all alone too, but now it seems we're not alone and I don't know what to do.

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