Chapter 7. Fools Gold.

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The air hummed, warm air that made the intolerable, down right impossible. Calista sat forward and pinched the bridge of her nose before resting her head in her hands.

How had it come to this?

She felt battle weary, but the battle hadn't even begun, yet the real fighting had been going on for months.

How wrong they'd been, so short sighted, so blind. She sighed, still unable to comprehend it all.

Take the Country back. That's all they wanted, to make it great again. A message that was echoed around the globe, she'd fully believed, never questioning why it was all coming to them so easily.

A generation of fools, blinded by promises of wealth and power. If only they'd scratched the surface they'd have soon discovered what lay beneath the fools gold.

Now here they were, clinging onto bare threads of hope, the strongest, most powerful, brightest minds in history reduced to nothing more than cowards.

The knock at the door was unwelcome, she was in no mood for talking to anyone. She looked up as it opened, surprised to see Lucas standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thinly veiled anger cut through the words.

"Don't be like that, you know I had no choice"

"Don't patronise me, you stitched me up, don't you dare try and deny it"

"What was I supposed to do, sit back and watch us destroy everything we are trying to protect"

"There's nothing left Lucas, we're clinging on to nothing, you heard it yourself. It's gone"

"Oh Calista! God you really don't know do you?"

"Know what?!"

He was enjoying this, his lip curled up into a wry smile, he picked up her security pass and access card.

She stood stunned, no.

"It was never there at all" he turned towards the door, he stopped looked her straight in the eye,

"and as of now, neither were you"

The lights went out as he closed the door, she ran towards it but it was useless. The warm air stopped humming, replaced by silence, within seconds the temperate dropped and she realised, with horror that her chamber had been disconnected.

She screamed, her cries for help lost in the darkness. She'd been prepared to sacrifice everything, but not like this.

Terrified she sunk down to the floor. How the hell was she going to get out of here.

In the darkness she noticed what she has been denying  for weeks, her hands glowed dimly.

NO, NO, not her, not now.

Her body felt electric, her heart pounded as the energy surged through her veins. Adrenaline coursed through her body.

She stood up and walked towards the mirror, she stumbled backwards as she caught sight of her reflection.

Two ultra violet eyes stared back at her, her skin cloaked with faint silver sheen.

They didn't know, they would never have left her like this.

The chamber had enough oxygen for another eight hours, then they'd come looking for her, only to discover this terrible accident - she knew the drill.

She wouldn't be the first party member to fall victim to the faulty security system.

And so she sat, and waited. Plotting her next move, her senses so alert, burning like fire.

She sat motionless,  sensing sounds that were barely audible. The darkness echoed around her, she felt something in the air, a faint whisper danced around the room. Her eyes pulsed brightly as she strained to hear it.

"Stay on the dark path, follow the shadows"

Her heart froze, my god she'd been right all along.

The darkness whispered again.

"We're coming".

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