Chapter 10. Tunnels.

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The sky burns, deep orange and amber hues rest on the broken skyline. Empty buildings echo, the wind winding its way through the windows and doors, searching, seeking out any sign of life.

It's hard to believe anything can survive out here, the air is thick, static, heavy. It's hard to see. Dust sticks to the air like candy floss. The silence is deafening. Dried old white paint, now grey peels off the billboards, the wooden frames rotting, decay setting in. It is spreading like a disease feeding off the debris, digesting the death, slowly turning the stones into dust.

A movement stops the breeze as it picks up a scent. Confused it twists and turns unaware of the figures crouched hiding frozen with fear beneath the ground directly underneath. Eyes blazing in the darkness.

A small hand reaches out to the person next to them, they stand in silence together, the hand, so small grips tighter, scared, terrified but unable to cry. They know they must stay unseen until they find the others.

The breeze passes, into the buildings winding in and out of each room, spreading the silence and thickening the air as it goes. Leaving its mark as it goes, drawing the life out of everything, like a parasite it breathes in the last traces of the humans that inhabited these spaces.

The threat passes, the bigger hand tugs on the smaller one, motioning them forward. The tunnels are pitch black and damp but provide good cover, they know they have to move fast. The shadows are calling, they won't be alone for much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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