Chapter 9. Found.

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My body jolts as I wake, feeling like I've been struck by lightning. Shae sits up at the same time eyes wide, body tense.

"What's happening!"

His eyes are wide, he looks scared. "I don't know" I break his gaze, I don't have the answers, I know it, he knows it, but he still looks to me."I dreamt I was, "running," he says in union.

"Me too" he looks at me again waiting, watching my every move. He's certain I'm holding something back, he can sense it.

"Why are we not looking? Will we ever stop and actually look instead of running away?"

"No" I reply, "it's too dangerous" he looks annoyed, I wish he'd just drop it.

So we just keep running until there's nowhere left to go, and then what?"

I can't bear the thought of it, "then we'll stop, but we'll never surrender"

The air between us shifts, catching me by surprise. The movement is urgent, breathless in its approach, darkness descends then I hear it whisper, I catch my breath. Shae stands up quickly, eyes bright, shining with tears he calls out to the wind, arms outstretched waiting for the shadows.


The breeze dances around him gently

"She's here. Amber, she's back!"

I turn away, she found us, there's no escaping her. Aurora never loses anything, especially not an argument and never to me. The wind whips around violently, it stings my face. No more running, and I know she's right, and now looking at the shadows, I see her and I know for sure, she's really angry.

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