Chapter 3

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'Vote Saxon' 

"IT'S YOU!" I basically scream into the open space. My voice just echoed through the silence, I really was alone. He had the power to control everything, and I mean... Everything!

"Wow, the Doctor trained you well? Did he give you a fact file of who to watch out for? I was probably first page! Was my picture good quality?" He started to chuckle at his own, irritating jokes. 

"No. I was obviously around when you tried ruling the word with those robots? You were that mad Prime Minister?" I told him right, which cut off his laughter. 

"Seriously? The Doctor doesn't have a book about me! Pathetic" He sure knows how to wind me up, this is probably why he didn't get on with many other people when he was to do with Parliament, I heard many people left because of his immaturity. "On other notes, you need to start my list of jobs! Off you go!" He chuckles once again. 

I had to hurry with the job, because I didn't know how long I had to complete the mission, and I'm guessing I wouldn't have long anyway. I decide that running wouldn't be a good idea, so I speed walked towards the TARDIS, opening it with the key I kept attached around my neck at all times, something that keeps the Doctor and I connected. 

"What do I do?" I ask out loud, hoping for an answer from the Master. 

"GET ME INSIDE! ARE YOU DUMB?" He loudly comments, if he was that fantastic! Shouldn't he be doing this himself. "If you don't, you're family and group will take your first life... Then it's the world!" 

"I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE, SO YES, I AM DUMB ON THIS TOPIC!" I shout back, these hormones are kicking in for the best, maybe I should stay on edge and show him I have a fiery side and I'm defiantly not weak. 

"OH STOP MOANING!" He complains, if I ever met that man in person, I will not threat to hit him round the face so hard he won't be able to talk ever again. 

I don't respond to his behaviour and make my way into the TARDIS. All I need to find out now is what do I do? I need the Doctor and I need help.

What would happen if I tried to escape? 

Doctor's P.O.V

I had now spent hours in the TARDIS working out all the different compartments, after the fall out with Hannah. She should understand I'm not human, but I do need to be softer on her because of the baby. 

I really needed to go and apologies and try to talk to her about it all, and maybe discuss the baby- something we haven't properly we done yet. Maybe that's what she would love to do. 

I took a brisk walk back up the flat, and was greeted by Hannah's mum telling me everyone's gone out, and that she was also doing the same, but Hannah was in the bedroom having a nap. I had never seen her so dressed up until now, she was wearing a dress with some shoes that had some wedge thing on- was she trying to be taller? She had lots of paint on her eyes and lips, I think she was going to a fancy dress party. 

I took a seat on the couch putting some famous, British television on. It was some over rated drama series, with so much fake action going on I was bored to death. I flicked through more channels, and fount a factual documentary about the universe. They can't fake this and lie about real life going's on up there. 

An hour later, I was ranting towards the screen about what they were saying was wrong! And they're stating that there's no actual other life forms other than Earth and stupid humans! 

"HUMAN'S ARE SELFISH MAMMALS!" I speak up for the last time, I had to turn this program off this instant! Or I will be mad and angry later and maybe even prove them wrong and regret it later, when I have the Universe in the selfish humans hands where they can do whatever they wan't. But I guess U.N.I.T do keep everything confidential, which is brilliant for what other's would probably do. 

I got myself up, and decided to go and check on her because she had been sleeping for quite a long time now, and I couldn't really leave her to sleep until later. I wanted her to be comfy and ready for bed, instead of in her clothes. 

I should wake her up, but she looks so peaceful and innocent laying across the duvets, sprawled out in a random position. But I couldn't help noticing tears dripping down her cheeks and sweat falling down past her temple. She must be having a bad dream. 

Hannah's P.O.V

I was fiddling with buttons, connecting to files but nothing would work to find out how to let him into the TARDIS, and I actually didn't understand how he was going to magically use it anyway? Here or the real world. All I know is this is taking the time I actually needed. 

"HELP!" I scream, hoping something would mysteriously come and help me. I slammed my fist's onto the hardware of the TARDIS desperate and angry. 


The noise made me scan around the room, until my eyes fixed on the screen beside me. Files to unwanted residents had popped up, and all I had to do was click it and hope for the best. 

It came up with the Master's face straight away, along side some other faces; the Daleks, Cybermen, U.N.I.T plus some other weird aliens I had obviously never came across yet, and maybe never will in this state. 

I deleted him off of the list, it was like a phone and unblocking them from your contacts, the Doctor did make it a little too easy for anyone. I grabbed my key quickly and placed it back around my neck and walked back out of the wooden doors to the outside, to tell him that I had completed task one. I hope he leaves me alone now and lets me go. 

"Well done, you aren't so dumb after all! Ready for task two?" I could literally see the smirk placed upon his face through his words.

Maybe I wasn't leaving just yet.

"Fine..." I mutter, I knew he could hear me! He could probably listen into my brain if he really wanted, and that's what scared me the most. I could think of a plan to get back, but he would be a step further and get in my way. 

All I wanted was to be back home, sleeping in my comfy bed with the Doctor and the other's in my presence. Here come's task two! A step closer to reality. 

Hey guys, I know it was a really bad update, but I'm having really bad writers block! I know what the story line is etc. But I can't put it down into words without rambling! So I hope this was okay? Please comment your thoughts&vote!

Thank youuu, love you all lots!

-Hannah xo

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