Chapter 5

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Hannah's P.O.V

I finally fount some sort of first aid kit to help with the Master. I'm not sure how he's managed to live out here for years, or he's been telling me all kinds of junk to help him. By the time I'm back to him, he had dozed off on the couch placed next to the control panel. 

I decided to leave him, and find something to keep me interested and to stop myself from killing him. I don't know what with, but I would find a way. Then I realised he can hear me, unless it's different when I'm with him or when he's asleep. Who knows? So I decided to think of baby plans, that made me think. 

Since I have been in this dream, I haven't eaten or had a drink once. But also I hadn't noticed that I didn't have my small bump. The bump that keeps me up all night, the bump that shows me life and the bump that's my daughter. I was too fixed on him, and the idea of being pregnant! However I never felt anything... 


"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING..." I shouted loudly, alarming the Master to awaken in a daze. "MY DAUGHTER! MY BUMP! I NEED TO GET BACK!" 

"It's a dream idiot... You obviously don't actually want to be pregnant! You dreamt of being normal again, no bump and that perfect figure you had before all of this!" He explains mocking me. 

Maybe I did want my figure back, but I was fixed on being a family, being happy and living my normal life... Now everything has changed again, and I need to try and get back to my reality.

"I have helped you, now take me back!" I cry, falling to the floor. I didn't need to worry right now if I hurt the baby because she's not here with me... 

"No" He simply says, this just makes me more angry. I look up to him above me on the couch, eyes full of hatred, my imagination taking over me. I couldn't stop thinking of death either that be for me, or him. I didn't care anymore. "Get me back home!" 

I pull myself up, stomping towards the controls pulling different dials, trying to figure out each and every button I was pressing was making sense. I knew this would be slightly harder, as I know anything could happen and we could end up anywhere, at any time. 

"You can at least help!" The tears started to spring at my eyes, causing me to sniffle here and there. I knew he knows how to work the TARDIS, he must do. He did it before. 

"It's you job, do it!" He demands again, I really hope something extremely bad happens to him soon, or I will commit the crime myself. "Excuse me, you can't plan a death in front of the victim?" 

"Fuck off!" I roll my eyes, and get back to the new command. 

Doctor's P.O.V

"A coma?" I question again, it was probably the fifth time I had repeated it. 

"Take him out, he's in shock" Jack tell's Ianto, I felt Ianto's arms pull me out of the room she was lying lifeless in. I was nearly in tears, the thought I let this happen. 

Ianto began to make cups of coffee, placing them on the counter where I had fixed my vision on a baby hat, it was left from the shopping she did the other day. When she was at least happy and conscious. 

"Here, drink this? She will be fine soon! She's in the best place right now? Surrounded by you, Jack and us? The baby has ages away from being here? Maybe we should've stayed down in Cardiff..." He was half talking to me, and to himself. I have a feeling Cardiff will probably be better- more equipment to keep her safe. 

"Cardiff it is then?" I suggest quickly, I ran into the bedroom I was kicked out of. "Cardiff? It's the best place for her?" I tell them, they start to look at each other and nodding, maybe Ianto was right. 

We began to pack all of our stuff like crazy, calling future plans to cancel, and contacting Gwen's family that she was coming back. We know Hannah wanted to stay with her mum for her pregnancy, but this certainly wasn't happening now, not like this. 

We were just finishing up when I heard the front door click open, I ran towards it and fount Hannah's mum. She was flustered, but she looked happier than I had seen her before. 

"You okay dear?" She asks me. 

"We're moving to Cardiff, Hannah's in a coma and we need the equipment!" All my words just fell out of my mouth, spraying her and the floor with my spit- one of my worse habits. 

"What..." Her once happy face fell to a frown, her eyes glazing over. I can't help but feel sorry for her, but it's her daughters life in our hands, and I think she would rather her be alive by the end of it. "You, you cant? I was about to tell her about my new partner..." She looked like she could faint this instant, her face was pale and I could tell she was in just as much shock as I was in when I fount out about Hannah and her coma. 

"We have to, I'm sorry..." I begin to stutter, I'm not good with comfort. I took her hand and brought her into the living room, placing her on the couch and calling Ianto. 

"I understand... I just need to see her more whilst she's away? Unlike last time, where she left me for ages at a time! And now being pregnant! You promise me you look after her properly!" She had broken into a fit of tears by now. "I have John this time though..." 

"He's a lucky guy to have you? Who is he then?" Ianto eagerly asked, I really wasn't paying much attention anymore. Love wasn't my thing unless it was Hannah, the baby and I. 

"John Smith, he's just moved into the area?" She tells us, I just stared into the distance...


"JOHN SMITH! BUT- NO? THAT'S MY BACK UP NAME?" I begin to shout, realsing everything is just in front of me, and all of these clues are forming together. Jack had ran into me shouting the name, obviously understanding this was my 'name'. 

"It's a common name though Doctor?" Ianto and Jack correct me.

But it must fit into the puzzle...

He must of known/know's me to know...

John Smith...


Hey guys! 

I have a plan for updates now! If you read my other fanfic you will understand, but to make sure you all know! I have a routine:

1st week- Fanfic 1

2nd week- Fanfic 2

3rd week- Fanfic 1 


It may change some weeks due to up coming holidays (Christmas!!!), but other than that! This should be the plan! I will start off with Forbidden Love probably next week? Who knows!


Much love!

-Hannah xo 

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