Chapter 6

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"John Smith, what does he look like?" I begin to question, I need to know full details. 

"Good looking, young! I feel like a cougar coming to think about it... His body reminds me a little bit like you, skinny and tall? He has quite a lot of stubble and well, his eyes are a chocolate brown, he's so mysterious and well... Sexy!" She was lost in her imagination about this 'wonderful' guy, but I know the true side to this...


I forget that he is a Timelord too sometimes, and that I'm not the last one. It makes me feel not as lonely I guess, but it drives me insane, by the way he uses his power. To kill, harm and make human beings lives hell. 

It all makes sense to me now, The Master being around again, 'X' sending us explosives and last of all, Hannah being lost in a coma. 

"Why don't you invite him round, make him some dinner? I'm sure he would appreciate it" I sarcastically begin to plan my way to get Hannah back. "Come on, we need to meet this guy!"

"He's at work, I only see him in the afternoons some days to make sure he's ok?" She uses the excuses that he's been feeding into her mind, pretending so he doesn't have to approach me. 

"Oh, what a coincidence?" Gwen butt's in this time, probably best if we all just dropped the subject and created a plan to find him before anything else happens to any of us. 

"TARDIS?" I suggest, I didn't wait for a response I just walked out of the flat and headed towards my blue box. I never really think about loosing people, but today it's been replaying in my mind. I have lost so many... Rose... Rose had to be the worst. I certainly can't loose Hannah, not with a baby on it's way. I hold back the tears that never normally fall, and start chasing around the control panel, pressing buttons and hoping to track him down. This was when I realised that everything had been switched. 

"Jack? Have you been in here?" I ask, this defiantly wasn't me.

"I have been with you all the time Doctor, we all have?" He states, which was true. 

"Oh, my Doctor!" I hear a deep voice sounds through the TARDIS. 

"Did you hear that?" I turn on my heel to face the others, their faces show confusion and begin shaking their heads slowly. "Someone said my name... It was someone else..." 

"No one said anything Doctor?" Gwen speaks up first. "It is auspicious though?" 

"What did it sound like exactly?" Ianto questions. That's when I couldn't think of a way to explain it. It was similar, just like home... Gallifrey... 

"The Master" I simply say. 

Hannah's P.O.V

"I'VE TRIED!" I shout, I had false hope that I was ever getting home. 

"Shut up will you? What am I suppose to do?" He begins to rub his temple soothingly. 

"Help maybe?" I sarcastically suggest, I press a button on the control panel one last time, and I begin hearing the wheezing of the engine, and another sound of hope for me. 

"Thank you would be nice?" The Master smirks, but I di- "You're not that clever dear, however, I am?" 

"Can I go home?" I ask, minuets after his comment. 

"Well, who knows where we end up?" The Master's eyes light up with the sound of our landing. He runs towards the door, flinging it open and stepping out. I decide to follow, as I don't want to stay in the same surroundings that seem to be enclosing in on me, every time I close my eyes. 

"Surprise!" He calls beside me as I step out of the box. "Welcome home!" 

I turn my head to each side, taking in my surroundings. This was something else...

"This... This isn't?" I begin to end my sentence, but I couldn't. 

"Well, it's inside a TARDIS? We crossed your dream and well, we're locked in a room... In the real TARDIS? But you will disappear from here, leaving me in here to destroy the real Earth?" He explains, but nothing makes sense until I open my eyes. 

Open my eyes...

"Doctor?" I gasp out of my dream. Was it actually real, or was it a dream? How long have I been here? Where is everyone? 

I was still laying flat on my back, thinking about the last few moments that had just occurred. I shot upwards, noticing my bump had gotten much bigger, I wasn't in the same clothing from when I slept, and well... I wasn't in the same place either. 

"Hannah?" I heard a quiet whisper from beside me, it was Gwen. She looked shattered, ill and lost. 

"Gwen? What's going on? Where are we?" I was trying to get all my questions out all at once. 

"We're in prison... You've been in that coma for weeks. The Doctor and Jack have ran to sort this out, and well Ianto? He's here too but in a worse state. The Master won this battle and has got everyone under his command, especially us" All of this was a shock. I hadn't been in that dream long, maybe a day if that. I caused this... 

"How long do I have left with the baby?" Another concern that played on my mind. 

"You have maybe 2 months, if we all last that long?" I decide to stand up to look around our 'cell'

It wasn't just a cell, it was like a massive dorm you get on school trips, each way had thousands of women, men and children resting on beds, chatting to others, crying. 

What did I cause? 

"What's long term plans then?" I was ready to fight, even if I was heavily pregnant. 

"We get fed three times a day, it's not really like a prison anymore. But we work long hours everyday, even children. All for this new project? The Master has visited you quite a lot while you were in your coma, he told me to say thank you?" Gwen didn't understand why he said that, but I do.

Thank you...


Sorry about the late update:( 



-Hannah xo

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