• Chapter Two •

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"Clary. We need to go." A voice called to her and she had turned to her best friend, Simon Lewis.

Clary appeared to still be slightly shaken, both from trying to find her mother and witnessing Jace kill a Circle member.

She took Simon's hand into hers. "Simon, I think Jace can help us."

Simon looked at her in shock. How can she trust a total stranger. "What?"

Clary, without another word, tugged Simon along with her as they followed Jace inside the Institute while side stepping the dead Circle member.

Standing in the doorway, all Simon could see was the inside of an abandoned church.

He looked at both Clary and Jace questioningly before Jace rolled his eyes and pulled up his sleeve.

Jace then took his stele out of his back pocket and began drawing a rune on his forearm, not showing any sign of wincing though it was slightly uncomfortable.

Simon watched the blonde male in confusion before looking at Clary. Was this normal?

"Trust me." She whispered to him. Simon arched an eyebrow.

"He's burning himself." He replied.

Without warning, Jace grabbed Simon's hand causing him to jump back.

"Buddy, I'm not your type..." Simon began rattling off only to cause Jace to roll his eyes again. Mundanes were truly annoying.

Simon's rambling was soon silenced as before his eyes, he saw the inside of the abandoned church transform into the main hall of the Institute.

"What the hell?" He asked with clear shock.

"Coming?" Jace called out boredly as he and Clary began walking ahead of a still shocked Simon.

"Yeah." Simon answered and followed the blonde and red-head.

Looking up from his place beside Allison and Aaliyah, Alec rolled up his sleeves as he made his way towards Jace and Clary.

"What is going on?" He interrupted their conversation. "Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" He asked.

Allison sighed and stood up from her seat, already knowing where this conversation was going to go.

"A Circle member followed him to get to Clary." Jace explained to his best friend.

"They had a circle rune just like the guys that took my mother." Clary added.

"Uh, what exactly is a Circle member and why do they want to kill us?" Simon piped up.

Allison walked up, standing beside Alec, and spoke up. "All we know is that a long time ago The Circle led a revolt and many Shadowhunters got killed... Including mine and Jace's father." She explained.

"And since the revolt we have been forbidden to even hear about The Circle." Alec finished stiffly.

"But that's your history." Clary stated.

"Says the girl who didn't know she was a Shadowhunter." Jace scoffed.

Clary whipped around to face him. "Yeah. And the only person who knows the truth is missing. I don't care about the rules or what was forbidden, there has to be somebody who can tell us why they've taken my mom."

"Well there is." Jace walked past her. "Coming?" He asked her as she began following him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Simon begin to follow them, causing him to stop. "Not you." He told Simon.

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