• Chapter Twelve •

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"Bring the flowers out to the wedding tent and the rose petals at the entrance." Isabelle said as she walked in front of two Shadowhunters who were carrying boxes of flowers for the wedding taking place in the next two days.

"Isabelle, which colour do you like better? It's for the curtains adorning the wedding tent." Another Shadowhunter came up to the raven haired girl, holding two different coloured cloths.

Isabelle looked at the gold and blue cloths before smiling at the woman. "The cobalt blue. Its elegant, masculine and very Alec." She replied.

Allison walked over as Isabelle watched everyone rush around in preparation for the wedding.

"Hey, the cuff and necklace just came." The blonde girl said softly as she held two separate boxes containing the items that Lydia and Alec will wear once married.

"And Brother Jeremiah is on his way." Aaliyah mentioned as she walked past with the flowers for Lydia's bouquet.

"Perfect!" Isabelle smiled. "Ally, those can go in my room." She told the blonde who gave a short nod and walked off.

"How are we supposed to get any work done with all this going on?" Jace's voice rung out as he walked past Isabelle.

The girl rolled her eyes before following after him. "We haven't had a wedding here in years. People are allowed to be excited." She gave him a pointed look.

"We need to focus." Jace said. "Have you narrowed down the list of Downworlders for Magnus Bane?"

The eldest Lightwood twin sighed before bringing up the list on the monitor. "I've got it down to 20 but it's going to be hard to figure out which warlock had cast that spell on Jocelyn." She looked up at the blonde boy.

"I don't care how tough it is. We've got to find him." He folded his arms, glancing through the list.

"Have you spoken to Alec?" Isabelle asked.

"He's probably busy with wedding plans. I don't need to talk to anyone. Let's just stick to the mission, okay?" Jace snapped,turningto her. He was about to walk off but was caught by the arm.

"I know the both of you are upset at each other but you can at least make an effort. Your sister, who is still hurt, at least made an effort of helping out for the wedding. He's your best friend and your Parabatai, Jace. Don't forget that." Isabelle said before walking off.

Jace watched the raven haired girl's retreating figure with gritted teeth and clenched fists before looking back at the monitor, her words echoing in his head.

Jace watched the raven haired girl's retreating figure with gritted teeth and clenched fists before looking back at the monitor, her words echoing in his head

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Clary stood in the room at her mother's side with Luke standing beside her. The red head never took her eyes off of Jocelyn as she spoke up. "She looks so peaceful. I wish I knew how to reach her..." She said softly.

Luke looked at the girl beside him and gave her a small smile. "It's going to be fine." He reassured her. He watched her for a minute before sighing softly. "I'm sorry, Clary. We should have told you everything before this got out of hand--"

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