Chapter 14: Romance

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Hey there guys! I'm sorry for not updating in the last weeks of April. I'm really really sorry. It's just 'DEATH' came upon my other relatives and I made a break in writing but  I'm back now!!

Thank you for those who waits for my update everyday.

Ps. I don't know why I'm so excited to write Roberto's story and well, I'll make a faster update on this one.

Please Enjoy reading!!😉😘

Anna Wilson's Point of View

"Okay, so let's start our discussion." Mr. Jaime Kings stated as we're both left alone to talk about the orphanage on his office table.

It's already nine in the evening, and outside is getting dark. I can see it through the transparent glass window wall.

"About two years ago, the Danielle's Orphanage was being left bribed by the former owner." He started holding some paper works on his hands. Some are colired pink and purple. "As a result, the Orphanage were in need of donations from people with good hearts but the problem is..." he paused with a frown.

"Problem?" I turned to eye him closer and clearer.

"... it is that donators were also bribed by the former owner; asking for money but using them in wrong ways. That disappointed them. To save the orphanage, one of the care takers called me to make donations and encourage other millionaires to help them out." He smiled at the paper.

"Y-You... " Why haven't I known this before? When I was still in the orphanage, I never notice problems like this. Why did I just knew about it today? And why did the care takers didn't tell me about it? Urgh... I'm getting depressed right now.

"I really wanted to help since my wife made me a good man to help others. No choice but to do the right thing. And I didn't know you were from that orphanage..." he stated and put the colored papers down infront of his desk.

"I've seen how hard to be in that orphanage and I don't know what will happen to the children there if I leave them alone..." That's my break down. Thinking of the hard and cry days in the orphanage.

All children wanted attention from parents. All of us wanted to. But not all of us can have the kind of parents we want to have. Just like mine, I never seen them. I never called anyone my father or parents. I never feel the real love that was meant for me. The love we all wanted in the orphanage. And I want the orphans like me to have the life they deserve. I'm not giving up!

"They are blessings. They are not meant to be abandoned. They are treasures. As their sister, I'll never let anyone get in the orphanage. Not one. Not the richest people in the world. No one." I felt something rolling on my cheek.

As I raised my hand to wipe my cheek, I felt liquid.


I'm been crying all the time.

"I'm sorry, Anna. I didn't know you feel that way." Mr. Jaime Kings apologized. "That's it then. You have a chance of saving the orphanage by---"


I was shocked. The harsh opening of the door cut Mr. Jaime's statement. I can bsave the orphanage by what? I want to know but that damn door interrupted him. I didn't turn around to see who's in.

"Oh! Good evening dear brother!" Mr. Jaime Kings suddenly stand up from his swivel chair with a warm smile at the person on the door.

"Yeah whatever..." the voice replied in an annoyed voice. But! I clearly spotted that voice. No way...

"You're early." Mr. Jaime sarcastically told him.

"I'm here to bring my wife home if you'd let me." He rudely stated at his brother. Well, I'm confused. Wife?

As I turn to look, he's already infront of me.

"Ares..." I felt like there's a lump in my throat. I felt so speechless. He's wearing a leather jacket with black pants, making him vulnerably attractive. Please include his messy hair. He also smells like roses.

"You had bothered my wife in your office tonight. We're going home. Bye." He harshly pulled me with him until we reach the door... unto the elevator.

Then that's it! I got myself back!

"Let me go! You're too harsh!" I snapprd at him and pulled my arm from him. Thankfully, he let it go. We were alone inside the elevator as it goes down the building.

"What are you doing in my brother's office this late?" He asked. "And you're even crying!" It surprised me when we brought his hankerchief out of his pocket and started wiping my face.

Oh goddess, his hanker chief smells so good.

"It's nearly ten but you're in here! The company is going to be close at ten thirty." He warned. Before I could reply, he continued his speech. "Thank God that Jaime just called me that you're here ot else I'll be there rotting infront of your boarding house!"


"I didn't--"

"Let's get you back to your boarding. I know you're tired." He said, cutting me off. "Don't go again everywhere without informing me."

I had no other thing to do but to nod my head gently.


"See ya." He gave me a kiss before leaving me infront of my boarding house.

Time check... 11 : 10 PM

Oh no...

I saw Ares' car starting and already leaving. Watching the car go away, my phone rung.

"Hello?" Oh, Mr. Jaime Kings called. It's since we exchanged number.

"Well Ms. Anna, about the marrying thing. I'm serious." He stated. "See you next."

Then he ended the call.

Wait wait! What??



Another day again. As I was entering the school gate, I think I just seen someone so familiar. I swear she's familiar.

She's wearing her very short mint green dress and her thick make-ups. Her black hair was curled like roller coaster.

I swear I saw her before but... where?

She was with Harley Black. Well, look at them. They look so good for each other but ewww... yuckk...

Then her face clicks in my brain!

Serena! Urgh! That bitch.

My anger fire up in my veins when I remember her with Ares. Urgh! She's the reason why we broke up. Damn it!

As I was passing them by, when she saw me, she frowned.

I just gave her a glare and snobbed her.


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