Chapter 28: Injured Husband

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Anna Wilson-Kings's PoV

"Careful..." I warned my prettily injured husband as he entered the van as fast as his injured legs can. His bandages were almost ripping themselves due to his large and muscular built. All of the injured players were already on their seat with the same position when we travel.

"M-May I?" He asked weakly after settling himself down on his seat beside me. He was gesturing at my lap to lie on.

I smiled at him. "Sure. Just sleep and recover. Let's go home..." I told him and pulled his head towards my lap. He breath in heavily.

"Are we all ready to go?" Jordan, as our driver, asked after putting his seatbelt on. Almost half of the team were injured and the other two had already stopped nose bleeding. It's already eleven in the evening and we are having our night travel. Well, our driver slept the whole noon so I doubt if he will still sleep.

"Yes." I replied to Jordan. He turned back to his wheel and started the engine.

"Have a safe trip!"

All of the coordinators and other audience during the game started waving away at us as our van went away.

"Good night, babe..." Ares whispered before he drifted off to sleep.

"Good night, Ares. Sleep. I know you're tired." I replied before holding a cover for him. He was sleeping soundly while having his legs stretch to the end.

Everybody is worn out and tired. They are all exhausted from their game. But in all, I'm not tired. My main concern is my players. They are injured except for Jordan, Harley and the twins. I wonder what they did to avoid such disaster.

Later on, I can feel Ares's breath getting to normal and he's fully asleep. I turned to my back to see Harley also asleep. A blue cap covered his eyes. The twins were snoring loud as they both hug the trophy between the two of them. Drake's almost drooling at her brother's shoulder.

The other players at the back were leaning on each other while deep in their sleep. As I take a look infront, the two were also leaning on each other with Jordan driving continiously.

"Jordan? Are you sleepy?" I asked him. His thick eyebrows turned to me as raised.

"No, coach. I just need a coffee. I hope you don't mind me having one?" He asked politely.

"I don't mind. Go ahead." I nod at him verily as he stopped the van beside an opened coffee shop. He got his coffee and came back to driving. I frowned when he handed me a cup of covered coffee.

"You want...? My treat." He snickered, still holding the white cup. I just gladly accepted it with glee.

"Thank you. I think I'm in need of one too..." I felt my eyelids also wanting to close themselves. We slept quietly once again while letting our dreams invade our nights.


I woke up when I felt my legs exhausted because of Ares. He was still on my lap, already snoring. It's still dark outside.

Time check... 4 : 56 AM. Still so early but we haven't reach our destination. I spotted Jordan on the mirror who's still driving continiously but his eyes turned red.

"Good morning, Jordan. Give up?" I teased him. He yawned when he heard me.

"No. We are already near. Not a good time to give up." He replied and I can hear his voice muffling already. I tried stretching my legs, trying hard not to disturb Ares but I failed miserably.

"Did I hurt your legs?" Ares asked weakly when he raised his head and sat beside me.

"Uhm... a little but it's worth it..." I told him and lastly gave him a smile. He smiled back and bury his face on my shoulder.

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