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Un this candan dose not selibrat easter.
They gay were talk about Easter well play games.
Brock Evan what are you doing Easter
Brock do you selibrat easter
Evan no
Group what!
Mini why
Evan we in do shotting week all week so we don't selibrat it.
Omh what you kill
Evan we shot rabbit,  red fox's, bears, bat's  and others
Omh rabbits.
Evan yes
Group Easter bunny
Evan ow we never think about a bunny it is for use the beaver.,moose or owl we selibrat and other this year it the beaver.
Brain so what do you give each other
Evan we don't we get every one tack them to the castle and we drink and eat and we do give  chocolate size beaver.
Omh Omg really
Evan yes
Group bye Evan have a good easter
Evan bye

(I didn't want to keep this in my group and didn't want to delete it)

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