Work At A Bank

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men bank clothes

Women clothes
White Dress

It was a cold frosty day
We got to work
In my new car
We went to our places
Cuple of people came in ask for cash.
I all way sat at the top or in my office next door to scotty
But to day we had not a lot of staff in so I walk down the stairs the women and men looked at me with there mouth open.
I just walk down the stair to the where all the money is.
Hey Tyler
Hi owl
What to hang out latter.
Why you down from up Stairs T said
Not many stafe are in.
Next Day
Every one is in and I was righting down information for tomorrow so big boss will look at
I was typing I heard guns going off I prest the button so police know
I just went and locked the door
Cartoonz pov
Me and the gang had people on the floor
Where the money and no buttons
Delirious go and see if the safe is open
Evan POV
I prested the a button open the safe
I look at my secret door I opened it up and walk through it and closed it after me but before closing it i grabbing important information .
I walk trow I grabbed my most powerful gun
And waited.
Tyler pov
It open one said good Evan thank god
One saw me say something
Hey boy there a worker one said
He pushed me
Number for the second safe
I don't know
Kelly said are second boss know
I glared at Kelly
She stopped ow she said
Thank girl shot her one said
I said know I take yo to his office it may be in the paper work he not in to day.
We walk 10 floor up I saw Scotty office and Evan this one I said they kicked the door open.
Evan pov
I heard Tyler and some people
They said where the safe number
One said what that button shit I forgot to hid it.
I got my gun out and put c4 on the floor Tyler was told to look he walk round the c4 and ran get him one said on fell back heard a bang
Nogla walk then in a blink of an eye he was shot 12 times
I shot him in the arms, legs and the chest
They look I said go Tyler go out the window
On walk in
I turned into

 I got my gun out and put c4 on the floor Tyler was told to look he walk round the c4 and ran get him one said on fell back heard a bang Nogla walk then in a blink of an eye he was shot 12 times I shot him in the arms, legs and the chest They look...

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I howl they ran I did it like a wolf
Turned back into human.
I slowly got out and lock the door after me I sat on the chair the cops helped everyone I walked down police men smiled
They said are you OK
Yes I said and we are close for 3 weeks the workers said yes
Ow have you seen Tyler
Cop yes we arrested him
He work at this place
I walk out
All the people look at me
I quickly got in my car

I slowly got out and lock the door after me  I sat on the chair the cops helped everyone I walked down police men smiledThey said are you OKYes I said and we are close for 3 weeks the workers said yesOw have you seen TylerCop yes we arrested himHe...

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Hey Tyler I said get your sassy ass in the car.
Hello to day there was a robbery at the, Maze bank.
They left bbs there stay safe
But one of there group was saw to be shot.
That it bye
Bbs pov
What happened
The cop didn't get use
Cartoonz said we may want to find who the boss of that bank there was two office
Look at this
Scotty boss
Age 32
Has a Wife
2 kids girl and boy
Old job government

Next workers
Tyler /wildcat
Age 29
Girlfriend kelly
Old job dog walker

Other girls work there and boys
Second boss
Evan f /vanoss
Age 25
Has a 2 dog
Female shape body with a 4pack
Old jobs classified

Cartoonz he sounds nice
Who Nogla said
What his old job it must be Grate and where he first lived
(OK Evan classified is he work in army in Canada, King of Canada, assassin and a gun and other weapons. There more)
Evan pov
Some one try to get into my information I sent the a virus with no way to hack it even if they are a good hacker.
I found there location and sent it to the USA army and police.
Bbs pov
Fuck shouted cartoonz
What Nogla shouted
We have a virus
We heard cop and helicopter
They found use but how.

(T. B. C will they find out and what will they do?)

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