Bar Tennder At Strip Club

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Me / evan
What I have to wear some of the time

It a 2 strip club so gay and straight can go to

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It a 2 strip club so gay and straight can go to .
I walk to my office I work as a 2 boss as well so that why I got a office put my clothes for home in a locker.
The boss was telling to day girl to get ready quickly.
I walk out hey bro
Ow Evan
Yes brock / moo how the wife and kid
There OK
talk latter need get the bar ready.

Moo put open sign out side and there gard to let people in or kick them out we have 9 of them.
It starts
I took order and gave them drink.
I look and he was touching a lady
Hey I said what the man No touching only if they allow you
What you going to do
Everyone know in this club that I'm a street fighter and the best.
I don't really care I can't be bothered to fight to day.
I called Tyler in he pick the man Up and throw him out.
I called Jack take my shift I need to do something.
OK I walk out men look at me I was very musical.
I walk to my office to the boxing bags and punched it
Mark nocked on the door sir are you OK
Yes why
A man punched moo.
I walk out Mark saw how pissed of
Mark where the person. I walk to moo are you OK
No he punched me
I got to him hey did you punch my boss
yes why
I grabbed him by the neck if you come back to this club you will be dead I palled my gun out so get the fuck out.
He ran out
Men clapped and look at me
I walk to moo do you want to go home
Club clossed bye people.
I walk to the office got in to some close that was not for work

I walk to the office got in to some close that was not for work

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OK let get in my car

OK let get in my car

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I got him home.

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