Zombie Life

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All the bad happen science created a thing injected a dead man
And I was brought into this there was teast subject
Me I had bin turnd into one but can talk walk look human but z just don't care.
Before it escaped
Ow you may think who I am it Evan f
Let start this
I was in the street after Tyler my ex kick me out so no where to live I still don't know why.
But on day a nice friendly man said need a job
I said yes
He took me some where and then it all went black
I heard new test subjects.
One said I hope it work I saw a z when I woke up he look at me and walk up he then walk Away
He should of killed me.
There was men in suit and lab coats mouth open
I heard through the glass it worked
I felt weard a tail popped out I screamed
The z look sadly and it huged me
He said it will be OK
The people in lab coat were happy but they could not understand what he said.
I was in the room sleeping with the zombie friend I made we all ways talk.
The door open a man in a suit walked in
My friend said z behind him
We slowly walk back
Man in suit said are you scared
I said no then a z jumped on him and bit we said thank and walked out.
The z virus slowly spread around the world.
I look more human than zombie but z don't care who ever try to kill my best friend I would nock them out and the others z would kill them.
New pov
Hello everyone stay in side
If go out sid take something with you
Knife, bat any think
Bbs pov
Before this
Tyler why did you kick you boyfriend out moo said
I don't know T said
He would of help use with the bank no one know what happened to him fuck you Tyler brain said
End of flash back
Tyler we need food so you and cartoonz will get food me / delirious and brock, mini ladd, brain,lui will look for supplies other keep this place safe no one get in.
Why Evan where are you I said
Why Tyler he dead you did this I said
Other friends of are have died.
Back to Evan pov
I was walking around went to the mall but stop and saw my ex I turned and z Omh walk with me and my best friend z did as well
My best friends he gets jealous when I am with omh
we planned something I talk to the other z and they agreed.
They agreed
We went to a club I started thing up z my best friend got to a intermediate and omh did the other z hide.
I started to sing

I saw Tyler and other walking in there mouth was open
Cartoonz pov
Omg is that Evan with z why are not killing him Omg Omh is a z and who Evan have a z next to him.
Why is he smiling Tyler we should go the door shut and locked.
Evan pov
I smirked  I walk to z and kissed him and z came out
Tyler said sorry
No I said there no point saying sorry kick me out of the house window
And thank making me into a z stop killing use we have felling
Cartoonz said Tyler you kick him out the window we should left you with that old man and the z

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