1-800-Call-Me | Steve Rogers x Agent! Male! Reader

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Being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a strenuous job, sometimes making you question whether or not if it was actually worth it or not. Whether it be going on dangerous missions lasting from days to even a year, or being stuck in an office filled with other miserable agents doing extensive paperwork.

But for you, knowing that you were doing all of this for a greater good was more than satisfying.

That, and the paygrade and benefits were amazing.

But regardless, it was times like these that made you genuinely question if it was worth it or not. You usually relied on being with your coworkers to keep you busy, but being alone made you think too much. And too much thinking equals questioning if you even liked your job.

You were sitting in your little area of the coffee shop quietly and furiously tapping away on your laptop. Normally you'd do this in a more private and secure area, but you just needed a fresh breath of air.

And besides, you were on your break.

Hitting send on the colorfully-painted email, you leaned back and stretched. You took a sip of your coffee and looked around the shop. It was practically rush hour and the whole place was packed- all of the tables taken, and all of the space taken up by customers waiting for their order.

But there was someone who had caught your attention. He sported a weird attire that made him stand out like a sore thumb, even though you could tell that the person just wanted to be another face in the crowd. But judging from the shoulders, you had a guess as to who it was but played it cool.

He was holding his order and aimlessly looking around the shop, searching for an empty seat just to sit and relax. It just so happened that at your table was a table for two, so you waved at him.

Both of your eyes meet- well, you could only assume as much with those damn sunglasses- and he smiled politely. He walked towards you and sat down in front of you.


While your job as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. meant that you generally worked in close proximity to The Avengers, you'd never really stepped foot into the tower- or at least, parts of the tower that would warrant a meeting with any of the Avengers.

But you'd be a fool not to recognize that voice from anywhere. You even distinctly remember hearing that voice back in your days of high school P.E. when the teacher was too tired to interact with the class.

"No problem, captain." You murmured quietly, taking a sip of your coffee as you scrolled through your personal email.

His eyebrows raised in surprise. He seemed to have thought his outfit was foolproof. Though you did give him props- no one else so far had noticed who he was. Either that or they were being polite, but knowing the number of rude people that could cram themselves in the city of New York?


You sent him a sly smile and showed him your I.D. badge underneath your jacket. He seemed to have visibly relaxed after seeing the familiar logo.

"Agent [Last Name] at your service, captain."

He chuckled quietly.

"Was I that obvious?"

You smiled.

"Mmm, not really. But being the person I am," you nodded at your badge, "I can spot you a mile away even if I didn't want to."

And also because you had ogled at him ever since you first heard of him. But that was unimportant- and also creepy to mention.

"Besides, chances of you being here is pretty high considering, you know."

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