Sleepover | Peter Parker x Stark! Male! Reader

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If anyone knew you at face value- let's say, the paparazzi-, they'd call you cute. Charming. Hot. And crazy rich out of your mind. 

You wouldn't necessarily disagree with them, but maybe that was the Stark in you speaking.

You'd flash your million dollar smile for the cameras and held a kind face. You always responded to everyone with a polite smile and casual jokes- you know, the usual.

If anyone knew you personally- let's say, The Avengers-, they'd call you aloof. Cold, uncaring. You never really molded yourself to them so often times you stayed in your own bubble while they tried to integrated you into theirs. There were a few exceptions, like your mom and dad, but even then you weren't as loving as they were to you- not directly, anyway.

But if anyone knew you romantically- let's say, your cute boyfriend Peter- he'd say you were the best thing to have ever happened to him. Always thoughtful, romantic, and gentle.

Holding his had in secret under the table, kissing him lightly all over the face when he's had a bad day, and cuddling him when they're all alone together were just some of the things you often did for Peter.

But moments like these were also a part of that as well.

"And what'd you do with them afterward?"

You were alone in your section of the Stark laboratory, absentmindedly tinkering away with your prototype nano-tech ring. It was in the current breakthroughs for nanotechnology in which you and your father had collaborated on so far.

But while you were doing this, you were also on the line with Peter- of course, not with the speaker on. 

It was almost the end of the day and you hadn't seen him in a while, so these calls were more than needed for your recommended dose of Peter Parker.

"Oh, I shot my webs at him and he got stuck on the wall. Called the cops and left."

When Peter had off-handedly mentioned that he was reporting his duties as Spider-Man to The Avengers, you'd ask who it was he was telling that to. When he mentioned Happy, you instantly knew he probably sent your sweet Peter straight to voicemail- or something similar to that, anyway. So you told him to send it to you instead, and after a brief conversation with Happy- he agreed.

So ever since then, he'd always call you after his super-hero patrolling. Not once had you missed a call.

"Mmm, should've beaten him up a little more, but good job sweethear- ah!"

You hissed quietly when you accidentally pricked your fingers. You sucked on the blood but quickly let go when you heard Peter's voice.

"Hey, you okay? What happened?"

You chuckled when you heard the worry in his voice.

"You're a cutie, but don't worry, I'm good."

He whined straight in your ear; you can feel him blushing through his mask and the phone. He always told you to stop calling him pet names, but you knew by his reddened ears and his better mood afterward, he secretly enjoyed it.

"[Name], c'mon man..."

You laughed but felt a little guilty hearing him whine like that. But what you didn't hear was the doors to the lab opening.

"Sorry, my bad. But hey, on a better note, you're still on for this Saturday night right?"

You and Peter had been planning for a get-together for a while, and that weekend just so happened to be a free one for the both of you, so you took your chances and asked him to come over, which he obviously agreed to.

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