Wasn't Meant To Be | Tony Stark x Male! Reader | Endgame Spoilers

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It wasn't meant to be him.

You could've prayed all you want, beg the Gods or whatever higher being there was for it to not be him. You could've done anything you thought of for it to not have been him.

But you knew that that simply wasn't what Dr. Strange saw. He saw the millions of ways this would've turned out. He saw countless endings where Thanos won and only saw one that he didn't win.

But how you wished that there was just another way; another future where it hadn't been him to deal the final blow.

In a way, you're thankful for him. He knew what he had to do, even if it cost him everything. He knew he could've walked away from his destiny, but he had the courage not to. You applauded him for that.

Of course, his loss took a toll on everyone. Peter was a mess afterward. He had nightmares of that fateful day, and often times you'd hear him cry silently in his bedroom when you visited him. Just to check up on him.

Morgan was strong, you'll give her that. Pepper was strong, too, but you could tell she only kept face because of Morgan. Without her, you were sure Pepper would be a wreck for weeks, if not months. You were there to support her, but you could only do so much for them. 

The team was lost as well. While Steve had gone to stay with Peggy and lived a fulfilling life, there were times where you'd catch his silhouette sitting in front of Tony's countless suits, body now worn with the years that had gone by for him. He never really cried. He just held a strong act, but he was suffering too.

Rhodey and Carol seemed to get along well, but the times where she wasn't here, you saw the distant gaze in his eyes as he worked on getting everyone reorganized after the battle.

Clint... Well, he had his family back. But after the loss of not only his best friend, and one of his teammates... He just wasn't the same anymore. He was still lively and had strayed away from his vigilante styled life, but his smile wasn't as bright as it was before. Though, you were sure you were the only one that noticed.

Thor... Well, he was far off better than the rest. You hadn't seen him much after he left Earth with the Guardians of the Galaxy folks. They seemed nice, though you would've loved to have them during Tony's... Well.

Scott had his family, so you didn't really see him much. Though, you did appreciate him coming to support Tony at the farmhouse.

Everyone else seemed to have not been all that bothered. Though they were sad, they got over it quickly, which you couldn't blame them. He did what he wanted in life. He had Pepper, a wonderful little girl, and knew he saved the world- and even the universe.

But you... You were the one hit the hardest.

You never really showed it on the surface, but you were absolutely devasted. 

For every smile and words of encouragement you gave to the mourning team, was another sobbing session when you were alone. It was another moment spent in the dark, alone, quiet and reflecting. It was another moment that you wallowed with bloodshot eyes and a sore throat.

You knew Tony far before he even knew the Avengers, before Pepper, before he had become the infamous billionaire playboy he was.

You were there for him at his lowest. You knew him when he lost his parents. You were the one that comforted him for his loss. You were there when he first hired Peppers. You gave him advice on how to go about wooing a woman like that, despite not having any experience with women. You were there when he first made his suit. He even made you one, but you never really bothered to use it; just as a trophy that stands in your closet. 

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