chapter 4

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i woke up and jack was staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face,
"jack." he flinched.

"yes, sorry." he turned to face me.
"are you okay?"
"yes i am, do you wanna go on a road trip?"
"like the ones we did when i was a junior in high school" i laughed.
"yes, we'll get breakfast on the way."

i climbed out of bed and went to my walk-in closet, i had slipped off my clothes and put on a red crop and blue shorts (above). i put on my white adidas and walked out to the living room.

"bitch alert." aubrey mumbled.

i rolled my eyes, why is she here? i looked to nate and he shrugged. i waited for jack to come downstairs, i saw sammy coming over to sit on the couch.
"where are you going?" he asked.
"road trip, i'll have her back by tonight wilk." jack said walking down from the stairs.

i saw aubrey whisper something into sam's ear, i rolled my eyes again. jack had grabbed my purse and my hand, leading me outside to his jeep. i hopped in the driver's seat, "there's no way you're driving. i get sick, you're such a nascar driver." he chuckled.
he gave me the keys and i started the car, backing out of the driveway.

"wait i don't even know where we are going."
"well, breakfast first-"
"i know where to go." i cut him off and sped up taking the direction towards a nearby café.
gilinsky turned plugged his phone into the aux, playing between the lines by jase harley.
"we're stuck between the lines. you say I make you happy." i yelled.
"y'all only fuss and fight. i'm just so into you.
when we get drunk and high." he yelled back.

this song was very accurate to jack and i right now, i barely remember what we said to each other when we were drunk. jacob and i would normally fuss and fight when we were alone. we let the rest of the song play as i was still driving to the cafe.

jack was belting the whole entire song which to my surprise, he looked so into the song. he looked hurt, i put my hand on his thigh to reassure him. 

"you okay?" i glanced over at him, trying to read his face.
"yea, i'm just thinking about stuff."
"you wanna talk about it?"
"no, it's okay. it doesn't really matter."
"you sure?"
"don't worry about it." he assured me with a smile and put his hand on top of mine.

i parked jack's car and told him we were here. i got out of my side and instantly was picked up and carried over to the café. we walked through the entrance and sat down at their patio.

"what do you think you're going to get?" he asked.
"i don't know, maybe french toast? omelette?"
"you're adorable." jack softly said.
"am not." i rolled my eyes.
"i mean it." he smiled putting his hand over mine.

i had wanted her more than anything, i had realized i loved her. more than ever.
"hello, my name is margaret, what can i get for you guys today?"

"may i have water and a breakfast burrito bowl please." the waitress rolled her eyes and took the order down.

"may i have the french toast and a side of fruits and a glass of water." she nodded and smiled at me the walked away. 

"she was rude." talia said very low. i hate when i eat out with her and female waitresses flirt with me, i only want her. 
the waitress came back with two waters and gave us napkins, her number was written on the top one.

"this is really irritating. ms, i'm sorry but i'm not interested. i find it very rude you're doing this all in front of my girlfriend. i would like it if you'd just leave me alone." i smiled.

both talia and the waitress were taken aback by what i had said. the waitress walked away, talia sitting there shocked.

"jack, i didn't know you would've snapped."
"it's okay, it was very rude of her to do so."
"jack you called me your girlfriend."
"so, it's not doing anything bad."
"did you mean it?"

i was sitting in the passenger seat, i was about to fall asleep.
"how far are we?"
"very far. you can sleep if you want to."

"jack i just wanted to know, did you mean it?"
"i thought you let this go." he chuckled.
"please tell me." he grabbed my hand and pressed his lips against it.
"of course i did, i love you so much."
"how come you haven't told me this before?"
"i don't know, i was afraid of you and sammy."

"there's nothing to be afraid of, i love you too."
"seriously, where are you taking me." i continued.
"it's a surprise."
"jack at least tell me how far we are."
"uhm...about an hour and a half."
"jack." i whined, slapping his shoulder.
"it will be worth it. i promise you."

i had been woken up by jack, i groaned.
"i'm sleepy."
"but we're here babygirl." i groaned once again.
he opened my door and carried me out, "jack you don't have to."
"but i want to."

we were on top of a hill, that showed us the entire city of los angeles. there was a whole picnic sitting there and a bouquet of roses. jack grabbed them and handed them to me.

"i believe these are for you, beautiful."

you guys don't know what's coming next hehe.

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