chapter 6

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the drive back home was long and silent, as he pulled up to my driveway i jumped out and slammed the door. i unlocked the front door of the house and immediately ran up to my room.

i climbed onto my messy bed and sobbed onto my pillow, it had smelled like jack from the morning he slept over. i can't ever run away from him but i can show him what he had missed. i wiped my tears and threw on a grey body tight dress, i knew we were going drinking after because we're all basically alcoholics.

i put on my black strapped heels and re-did my ruined makeup. i don't have to be sad and heartbroken, i can show everyone that i'm better than this. i grabbed my black leather jacket and put it on, i walked out of my room and slowly down the stairs into the living room. all the guys' jaws dropped, johnson's girlfriend, layla smiled at me.

"you're so beautiful, i don't think i've met you."
"hi! i'm sammy's little sister." i hugged her.
"it's very nice to meet you, i was just able to free my schedule for him."
"he talks about you all the time, it's cute. i also think you're really pretty." she smiled then went back over to johnson.

i saw everyone here except for gilinsky, speaking of sammy grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen.
"everything okay?" he said.
"he tells me he loves me, we kiss then i get a text from jacob and i didn't really do anything but he saw it and got mad."

"when he really has- never mind, you know him better than anyone in our group. stay strong, i mean i approve. we thought you guys were actually going to end up dating a while back. i'm really sorry lia, i didn't know it'd end up like that."
"sammy it's okay, tonight it's about johnson. i don't need gilinsky problems." i smiled.
"are you sure?" i nodded in response.

both of us walked out and went back to the living room and i saw gilinsky, when we made eye contact his jaw clenched. he looked me up and down then locked eyes with me again, i glanced the other way to break the eye contact.

"so let's go? we're all here." johnson said.

we all nodded and murmured as we all walked out the front door, i walked with sammy so i could ride with him. i hopped in the front seat and waited for everyone else to get into their cars.

i sat down in between sammy and derek, i didn't want anyone else to know the tension between jack and i even though it was very obvious. i had tuned out and throughout the night of the dinner.

why does it hurt so much, i wanted so much more with him when he had said he loved me. he had shown more love and care than anyone has shown me ever, even more than sam.

"lia." sammy said, interrupting my thoughts. "yes? sorry i had a lot on my mind."
"derek is asking, if we wanna come over and party tomorrow."
"of course." i said smiling at derek.

derek leaned over and whispered in my ear,
"are you okay?" he said putting his hand on top of mine on the table.
"yes, it's just something happened today."
"are you sure, you don't wanna talk about it?"
"i'll talk about it tomorrow." the waiter had placed my food in front of me.

"anyone down to go to the club after this?" johnson asked.
"that's what i'm here for!" i cheered and they all laughed except for jack.

i took my probably sixth shot and grabbed derek's hand running to the dance floor, i wanted to forget everything from before. i had drank most of it away, which was something i wanted.

"derek dance with me please." i slurred.
"i can't do this to you, you're drunk talia."
"it's just dancing." i slurred again, tripping over my own feet.
"fine." he sighed.

i grabbed his hand and smiled as we danced a long to the music, he danced while i just jumped around almost falling. i turned around then bent down grinding on him because why the fuck not? live a little.

i had only taken one shot, since i was driving home. i was just sitting down while everyone had been partying, i turn my head to see talia, grinding on derek. i get up and make my way towards her, derek backs away holding his arms up.

talia stands up, barely being able to keep herself standing. i shook my head and she gave me a dirty look.
"what the fuck do you want." she slurred.
"taking you home, you're way too drunk."
"no! look i'm perfectly fine." tali smiled, almost falling on top of me.

"you're too drunk. please let me take you home."
"no!" she whined, i sighed and threw her over my shoulder.
"get the fuck away." she yelled trying to thrash out of my arms.

i took her outside and put her in the passenger side of my jeep. i got in and drove to my house because i knew she didn't have her keys on her.
"jack." she groaned, i hummed as a response.
"i love you, why can't you see that." she cried out, the alcohol is finally talking.
"i know, i love you too."

"why are you so mad at me?" she groaned.
"i could do so much better than jacob."
"jack, i love you. i love you. i don't know i feel like you will forget." she slurred the last part of her sentence.
"you're going to forget tomorrow babygirl, that's what sucks." i let out a big sigh.

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