To Vegas!

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You're extremely excited for this trip now that you're actually halfway there. 

Sabo sat beside you in the driver's seat and honestly, the poor blonde looks a little tired but given the car's atmosphere, you're not surprised.

"Why do I have to share a room with her?!" Perona's displeased voice filling the small space.

Yep, we're off to a great start already!

You had decided to invite Robin, Kyo and Perona in the end since they're wealthy enough to take care of their own needs...that and the other girls were busy. 

What you didn't realize is that the younger two don't get along too well, a clash of personalities, it seems.

At least you have a mixture of different characters accompanying you. 

Calm, bratty and evil...I'm sure this will go just swimmingly. 

"It's bad enough that I have to deal with your father every day, let alone having to tolerate you on my vacation also!" The pinkette huffs as she crosses her arms over her chest, causing Robin to glance up from her book at the pair.

"Way I hear it, you moved yourself in with Pa by choice."

"Okay," Robin calmly hums, bookmarking her page before closing up the story completely, her blues still focused on the girls. "Let's play a small game; you both have to give each other a single compliment. Failure to do so will result in the other person being allowed to grant you a degrading nickname that they'll then use on you for the rest of this weekend." 

Oh, boy!

You can't quite help but snicker, it reminds you of a mother scolding her children. Sabo noticeably smirking also as he takes a brief glance at them through the rear-view mirror, seemingly enjoying their misfortune as well.

Upon taking a peek at the two, you certainly don't miss the irritated looks on their faces as they both sigh. 

"Fine..." Kyo starts first, her brown orbs flickering toward the pinkette beside her as she hums to herself thoughtfully, her stare could surely burn a hole through the girl's face. "I like...your taste in clothing." The compliment is essentially hissed through gritted teeth, drawing a grin to Sabo's face and causing you to pinch your lips in between your teeth to stop yourself from giggling at the pair.

Oh, so petty. It's like watching Zoro and Sanji trying to get along.

"Very good." Robin chimes, her voice almost harbouring a slight mockery to it as she focuses her attention on Perona, the redhead merely grunting in response. "Perona? Do you have any nice things you'd like to say back to Kyo?"

The pinkette frowning as she looks the redhead up and down, an almost-deafening silence filling the air as the poor girl tries her hardest to conjure up something pleasant to say. 

"I've...seen shorter people?" 

Sabo immediately snorting as you burst into fits of giggles, even Robin has to use both her teeth and the back of her hand to suppress her smile. It's even more amusing to you that Perona was genuinely trying to be nice too, she's just clearly awful with compliments. 

Kyo's face going about as red as her hair as she scoffs. "You're literally only 2 inches taller than me!" 

"Kyo, try to be nice." You just barely manage to snicker out, earning a glare from the girl but she complies nonetheless.

"...Very well. Perona, I hope your death is swift." 

Kind of complies, anyway.

By this point Sabo was laughing heartily and beginning to melt your heart once again, seems it's becoming a common thing these days. 

Your orbs staring up at him in admiration as your brain memorises his every detail; how cheeky he looks, how contagious his chortle is, how only his top teeth show whenever he smiles like this. 

You soon find yourself wondering what his breath must taste like, the silent question shocking you out of your daydreaming state, little do you know that the girls in the backseat are all grinning at you now.

It doesn't take much longer for the guys to stop at a gas station. 

Sabo immediately getting out of the car to speak to Thatch and Marco about which routes to take, Kyo and Perona both stepping out also to stretch their legs and Robin still sat in the backseat, finally being able to read her book in peace. 

"Are you planning to take things further with Sabo during this trip?" The raven questions softly but you had expected it this time, your orbs watching the handsome blonde converse with his brothers through the window as you shrug your shoulders.

"Honestly, I hadn't planned to..." Your response draws a sigh from the woman but she doesn't argue with your decision, her blue eyes still engrossed in her story as she smiles to herself.

"If it's meant to be, it will be." 

Maybe it isn't meant to be though.

Your stomach starting to flutter as Sabo makes his way back to the car, slipping himself into the drivers seat with an adorable grin etched into his features. 

"Thatch says the hotel is only a few more miles away now!"The cutie breaths cheerfully, Robin taking this opportunity to politely excuse herself and exits the car, leaving you and Sabo alone.

Is she hoping I'll flirt with him? 

"Ah, that's good. Which brother will you be sharing a room with?" You can already guess which sibling since Luffy is absent, Pops argued that he's still just a 'brat' and refused to let him come on such a trip with his brothers...probably a good thing considering.

Instead, the youngest raven is staying with a few of his own friends in some kind of holiday resort...Spoiled. These boys are all spoiled.  

"Ace." Sabo answers with a chuckle.

I figured as much.

The sound of the back doors opening reaching your ears as Perona and Kyo shuffle back inside, seemingly bickering about something else now. Robin bidding adieu to Thatch and Marco as she slips back into the car also with a refreshed smile on her lips.

Alright! To Vegas!

My Hot Roommate. {Sabo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now