Bonding With Marco.

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"You wanna have a stiff drink before going to bed yoi?" 

Usually you'd consider it since you have a very long day ahead of you tomorrow but honestly, your nerves are so unsettled right now that you doubt you'd be able to keep any alcohol down.

It's going to be a disaster! It's official, those rings were bad luck!

"How is this gonna work, Marco?" Your question drawing in the blonde's curious gaze as your hands tremble anxiously. "It's too short notice! I don't even have a wedding dress!"

Your worries only making Marco chuckle as he takes a seat beside you on the sofa, resting a supportive hand over yours to stop them from shaking so much. "You didn't stress this stuff during the wedding in Vegas yoi!"

"We were drunk in Vegas!" Again, Marco chuckles at your concerns. 

"Well, you could go down the alcohol route again and get so drunk that you forget the whole ceremony," The brotherly blonde murmurs calmly, his hold on your hand tightening slightly as if to request your full attention. "Or, you could just focus on Sabo. You say you love him, right? Then just concentrate on him, it'll feel better that way yoi, trust me." 

Maybe...I do feel secure around him after all...

A small frown beginning to etch itself into your features as you glance down at your somewhat-entwined hands. "Marco, do you approve of me and Sabo?" Your voice sounding more like a whisper but the blonde catches it nonetheless, a sweet smile slowly beginning to spread across his lips.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be trying to calm your nerves." He responds lightly. Honestly, you don't doubt his claim either, Marco can be harshly blunt sometimes - especially when he doesn't agree with something.

If he didn't want you to marry his little brother then he'd sure as hell make it clear.

Your silence only drawing a sigh from the older male however before he pulls you into a gentle half-hug. "Just relax yoi, we'll have everything prepared for you both tomorrow, even the wedding dress! I promise!"

With a slow nod of your head, you return the warm cuddle, you can trust Marco's promises - that man is nothing if not loyal and you're a member of his family now, he'll take care of it for you. 

You just know it.

"I better get going yoi, we've got a lot of planning to do tonight!" The blonde chirps as he breaks away from the hug, making his way over to the coat rack and grabbing his jacket. "Is there anything else you need? If I leave you here unhappy, Sabo will be mad."

He really would, my protective husband...

With a thoughtful pout, you nod your head slowly, gaining Marco's full attention as he awaits your request. 

"Can you see if Robin will stay here with me tonight? I...don't like being alone..." Your question earns a soft smile from the brother as he slips his hand into the pocket of his jacket.

"Sure, I'll call her now." You watch as he takes his phone out and taps the screen a few times before bringing the device to his ear.

"Hey, do you think her and Thatch like each other?" Probably not the greatest time to ask such a thing but surely, if anyone in this family has noticed the way Thatch acts when she's mentioned, it'll be Marco. 

The two brothers are very close after all. 

Your friend snickers as he nods his head confidently. "Oh yeah! Definitely yo--Robin! H-Hey! Listen, I need a favour..." And with that, the blonde is scurrying off outside, leaving you in peace.

Ha, stupid Marco! He almost got caught!

You have hear him still speaking on the cellphone outside but his voice is far too muffled to make out what he's saying. 

A few minutes later he falls silent before the front door of the beach house opens, the brother peeking his head in a bit wearing a smile. 

"She'll be here soon yoi!"

"Okay. Thanks, Marco."

He's such a sweet guy really...

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