The Masterplan.

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Your eyes are practically stars as you scan the suite you'll be staying in, there's 2 bedrooms linked to the living area, the bedrooms have 2 double beds inside them.

And you're honestly rather grateful that you'll be sharing your room with Robin.

The living area is gorgeous also, it's very spacious and elegant with huge penthouse-like windows and expensive, bright furniture dotted around. 

Not to mention the refreshing smell you get in each of these rooms, it's clear that the owner takes good care of his establishment - you believe his name was Sir Crocodile or something like that. 

This is definitely costing the boys a fortune...

Sabo entering the room holding your suitcase in his left hand and Robin's in his right, carefully setting them down beside the door as Thatch enters with Perona's and Kyo's, copying his brothers actions.

The blonde approaches you with a charming smile, one that could put the sun itself to shame. "We're only down the hall if you need anything!" He chimes, you don't miss Robin smirking at you in the distance either.

"Okay! Thanks, Sabo!" If surrounded by different company, you would have made a cheeky remark about his more protective nature but that'll have to wait, you're not looking to get teased again.

"We'll get settled in then meet you girls at the bar, yes?" Thatch's voice gaining your attention, Robin just smiling in response to his words as Kyo and Perona nod their heads. "C'mon, Sabo!" The brunette calls as he makes his way out of the room.

Sabo smiling sweetly as he gives you a hug, one that somehow has your body feeling both hot and cold at the same time; there's a warmth that radiates from him and it leaves you feeling all snug and fluttery yet there's also cold sweat beginning to form across your face as you literally begin to feel the stares on your back. 

Girls, seriously! Will you just go away?!

"Aww--OW!" Perona's fangirling being interrupted by what sounds like a stomp, taking a peek in her general direction, you find the pinkette hopping on one foot whilst holding the other, like something out of a cartoon. "What the hell was that for?!"

The redhead beside her merely staring at her indifferently. "You were in my way."

At least the scene has Sabo holding onto you for longer as he watches the two bicker back and forth, his silk shirt practically cuddling your face and the smell of his cologne is a true blessing.

Am I turning into a creeper?

Much to your dismay, Sabo finally breaks away from the hug, his eyes resting on yours and making your heart feel like it's being used as a drum. "I'll see ya soon!" And with that, he's off. 

You watch him exit the room with a very faint pout on your face.

I was enjoying that hug, you jerk...

"Ugh, Mihawk wants to make sure you got here safe! Take a selfie with me!"

"No, go aw--!" Perona seemingly not taking that for an answer, her arm wrapping around Kyo's neck as she holds her cell out before them, clicking the small button on the side of her phone a few times and capturing the moment of unbridled irritation.

Robin taking a small grip on your wrist whilst the girls are distracted and leading you toward your shared bedroom with a smile. "Don't be upset," She starts and already, you're upset. What is it now? "I've worked out a plan with Thatch for the night!"

Wait, Robin and Thatch? Are they--

"He has agreed to help you and Sabo." Oh, of fucking course! "He and Marco will assist me in trying to keep Ace, Kyo and Perona distracted so that you two can...enjoy yourselves." 

Your facial expression must be speaking volumes for you, a pout etched into your features as you stare at the woman almost-pleadingly. "Robin, I don't think--"

"We should get you dolled up!" The raven chimes over your sentence, her big blue eyes sparkling as she makes her way back to the main room where she left the girls bickering. "Ladies! We should get ourselves ready for tonight!"

I really don't know about this...

Despite your disapproval, you soon find yourself getting a slight makeover from Perona as Kyo works on your hair, Robin digging through your luggage and trying to find something cute for you to wear.

Although the younger two haven't been told about the plan, they've guessed that you'll be looking to spend your time with Sabo so they agreed to set aside their differences for now and work on your appearance for tonight.

"Ah, perfect!" Robin chimes as she comes back into your view with a slight grin, holding up a dress that causes a blush to splay out across your face. It certainly isn't your dress and it leaves very little left to the imagination.

No way in hell am I wearing that thing!

But alas, you find yourself wearing that thing as you step into the bar with your gal pals. You immediately spot the brothers, Thatch looking a little dishevelled as he smiles toward your small group, the brunette making his way over to you and giving you a cheerful hug. 

"Hey, girlies~!!" 

Okay, how drunk is he?

You've seen Thatch drunk a few times now and he's always the same; distracted, affectionate, random and a bit irresponsible. The brunette releasing you from the hug before moving along to give the other girls a cuddle also.

Luckily for you, Marco is here, he's looking pretty drunk too but at least he still acts mature after a few drinks. Then there's Ace beside him, the freckled raven seemingly passed out face-first into the counter.

How long did it take me to get ready?! He's already sloshed!

Sabo rising to his feet and making his way over to you chirpily.

Finally, somebody who seems sober. He gives you a gentle cuddle, his usual greeting but tonight, it's so much better. His cologne smells stronger now and the soft embrace of his body seemingly melts away your anxieties, a content smile on your lips as you return the affection gesture, burying your face into the crook of his neck. 

"Hey handsome, how many drinks have you had tonight?" You playfully ask, knowing that the girls won't hear you over the music, they're too distracted anyway. Robin is conversing with Thatch and Marco, probably going through their plan while Perona and Kyo use the make-up from their bags to doll up Ace's face whilst he sleeps.

Well, it now makes sense why he said Kyo was evil. It would seem his opinion of Perona will be the same by tomorrow.

"Not as much as these guys, it seems. I'm pretty sure Ace got his drink spiked."

Sounds like Ace's luck...

"Let's hit the casino~!" Thatch merrily chimes, immediately earning a shake of your head and Sabo's as the boy pulls away from the cuddle but everybody else seems be up for it however...with the exception of Ace since he's still snoozing.

Marco approaching the freckled raven as the girls finish his make-up, the older blonde barely suppressing his smirk as he carefully scoops the boy up from the barstool, throwing him over his shoulder before following Thatch and Robin to the casino, the two younger girls following closely behind him.

And just like that, you're left alone with your crush.

Smooth, Robin. Real smooth.

"Not into gambling then?" You question casually as you lean against the bar, gesturing to the mixologist to get you a drink and earning yourself a cute chuckle from Sabo as settles beside you.

"Not when they're around, I'll end up bankrupt!" He breaths, ordering a drink for himself as his eyes shift back to you, a pale blush spreading across his cheeks. "You look beautiful tonight." 

So he doesn't think I look beautiful normally? Great...

My Hot Roommate. {Sabo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now