Pure Morning.

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You awaken to the sound of male laughter, your eyes squinting a little as a ray of sunlight manages to shine through your curtains and straight into your face, you've been meaning to get black-out drapes for some time now but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

You're currently living in a 2 bedroom apartment with Sabo as your roommate, your long-time friend (and crush) from school. 

Sometimes he brings his siblings over in the mornings but you don't mind it much, they're good fun and at least today he has a good excuse. 

You had all planned to travel to the beach together, Shanks is throwing some kind of party there to celebrate Ben Beckman's 50th birthday, much to the older man's displeasure.

You often find it fun when Shanks throws parties....although he invites just about every single person who has so much as breathed near him, this makes for many strangers but so long as you stick close to the familiar brothers, you should be fine.

Deciding that now is the time to get ready, you roll out of bed and begin to pick out a suitable beach party outfit. 

Once dressed and tidied up a little, you exit your room and make your way toward the kitchen where you can still hear the familiar chuckles.

So happy this early in the day, why?

"Whaaat? Come on, Thatch! It was a good one!" Ace's voice reaching your ears first, followed by an unconvinced grumble from Thatch and finally, you hear Sabo's cute little snicker. "Oi, [F/N]!" The raven blurts as his dark orbs set on you, gesturing for you to come over with his hand.

Oh boy, what is it?

"Don't torture the poor girl this way." Thatch murmurs calmly with a very slight grin etched into his face, seems he low-key finds whatever Ace had said prior funny deep down, his brown eyes watching attentively as you approach the trio.

"Nah, she'll love it!" The freckled goon blurts, a Cheshire cat-like grin plastering itself across his lips. "What did Cinderella say when she walked into the ball?"

A slight frown slowly beginning to dominate your features as you hum to yourself, trying to recall the fairy tale.

Did she even say anything? 

"Uh, I don't know? What did she say?"

"OOF!" Ace's response has both himself and Sabo cracking up, Thatch deeply sighing at the joke and looking about ready to die on the spot whilst you chuckle also, although you're mainly laughing because the boy's have infectious chortles. "Thank you, thank you! But I can't take credit, I got it from the internet~!"  

"Damn it, Ace." You manage to giggle out, the joke had you wanting to die a little on the inside but you loved the way Sabo looked when he laughed at least. His eyes are closed but you can still see the slight tear threatening to escape from his lashes and that charming smile makes your heart skip a beat, you're sure it could light up an entire city. 

He's so adorable!

"C'mon, ya goon!" Thatch playfully giving the blonde a light push to gain his attention. "You can help me load these into the car!" The brunette making his way over to the many boxes of beer on your kitchen counter and lifting a few of them before making his way outside, Sabo lifting the remaining few before following in tow. 

Damn, they're strong...

A small nudge in your side from Ace piquing your interest as he subtly leans in toward, lowering his voice into a slightly teasing murmur. "I see you checking out my little brother." 

Oh, shut up!

Ace may or may not be fully aware that you've got a crush on the handsome blonde, he actually first sussed it when you were back in high school but you had somehow manged to convince him that he was wrong at the time.

Since then nobody else mentioned it although you'd wager that some may have guessed, you're a giggling mess around him, even now after you've been living with him for three years. 

Ace had clocked that the crush was still very evident when Sabo and you had moved in together. The freckled fool merely made a joke about you and the blonde having to share a bed if he decides to crash here after drinking too much one night, claiming he'd be taking Sabo's bed for himself.

When he saw how red your face went after saying that...well, he guessed it.

Now he likes to tease at any given chance he gets.

"Why are you like this, Ace?"

My Hot Roommate. {Sabo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now