Chapter 3 /./ Stuck with me /./

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Previously on Find Love In Hell; As he was thinking all of this he didn't notice the ground coming closer and closer. As if just now realizing he was falling he started screaming "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" He came closer and closer to the ground. Suddenly he hit the ground and fell unconscious upon impact.
As she was patroling the area around her home she heard screaming. Wondering who the hell that could be she ran towards the source of the screams only to find, a boy? What in the Hades? She noticed the boy had a CHB shirt on with a bead necklace. It isn't possible. They wouldn't make the same mistake twice would they? Elizabeth thought. She dragged the boy who she was certain was a demigod to her hut. It wasn't much but it was where she has lived for a very long time. After she got him on the bed she went into her 'kitchen' and made him a meal. She heard a groan and raced over to were the injured demigod lay. "Who are you?!" The boy asked startled by her sudden appearance. He pointed a sword at her that she didn't think he had "I am the girl who saved your bloody ass." She said with a english accent "Who are you?" She questioned back. He hesitantly answered, "Percy. Percy Jackson." He stated. Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon? I have been waiting to meet him for years! Elizabeth thought. "Well then I am honored to meet you. My name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Barren." She stuck her hand out for him to shake. He dropped his sword in shock. "Elizabeth Barren. THE ELIZABETH BARREN!!" He screamed. "Yes now keep your voice down. We are in Tartarus, monsters are everywhere." "Oh my gods. You have been down here for 200 years! How are you alive?" What? 200 years? The female demigod thought. She started to tear up. "Oh gods, did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry if I did. Why are you crying?" Percy questioned her rapidly. "I'm fine it's just that I have been here for 200 years and my fathers haven't even tried to save me. I fought their war and they throw me away!" She cried falling to her knees. Elizabeth didn't want to break down in front of a stranger but something told her that she could trust him. "I know how you feel. I fought Kronos and Gaea amd yet Zeus decided to believe a demigod who came to camp 5 months ago over me. My uncle is a idiot sometimes ya know." "Of course Zeus is a idiot! He threw me into Tartarus because he felt threatened by my power! He knew I swore loyalty to Olympus!" Elizabeth roared. "What did you mean by fathers earlier?" Percy asked. "You know of me but not my heritage. Interesting. In case you forgot I have multiple godly parents. 4 to be exact. Hephaestus, Ares, Apollo and Hermes." "How-" Percy began to ask but the female interrupted "Frankly I have no idea, my mother didn't tell me before she died and neither did my fathers." Percy began to truly process the information he was just told. "Ok let me get this straight-" "Oh gods I forgot you were bleeding. Forgive me. Sit down down and lift your shirt." He did as he was told. "This might hurt a little, so be prepared." She reminded him a bit if Zoe. Straight foward, no room to argue. Her hands started to glow a deep yellow with a mix of orange. She placed her hands on the various wounds littering his torso. It was hard not to stare at his defined 6 pack, but she managed. "All right let me go get something from the kitchen stay here,  follow, don't care." She told the demigod. He followed her into the kitchen where she told him to sit down. "Eat while I make a make something to help the soreness in your abdominal area." He happily ate the meal consisting of steak and mashed potatoes. He asked with a mouth full of food, "How did you get this kind of food in Tartarus?" As she pulled out another ingredient she responded with "I have Hestia's blessing. I can tell you do as well. Done. Put this on the wound once a day and drink this." She slid two jars toward him. "If it isnt obvious the paste goes on the wound. The drink goes your throat. I don't know why but I feel the need to force this down your throat if you don't drink it." She told him mildly blushing. "Ok mom." That sent a pang of pain to his heart. What will happen to his mother? Will she be happy now that he is gone? Will she be sad? He was snapped out of his pity party by a sudden weight on his chest. "I could sense your distress. And might have heard some of your thoughts." To be frank (hehe) he was shocked, "hear my thoughts?" "Yes I was blessed by Hera. She is the goddess of family, so familes can hopefully they can tell when people they care for." She added hastily "now dont get cocky and assume I would move the moon to help you, it is just that I feel that we can relate to each other. I was cast to Tartarus, so were you. You were betrayed by those you loved. So was I." "How did you know I was betrayed." He asked after he finished the last of his food. "Sweatheart I can read you like an open book. I will have to teach you how to fix that." "What?" Percy questioned the female demigod. "Well I can't just let you rome Tartarus alone now can I. As of right now you are stuck with me. You are gonna live here and so you won't die in 30 seconds, I am gonna make you immortal." She states proudly.
On Olympus
Olympus was in a uproar, trying to decide what will happen if a new threat come into play? Sure Jason js powerful but nowhere near Percy's power level. Annabeth was smart but with no extra powers. Hazel and Frank were extremely powerful as well, but no one in either camp could rival Percy's power. One thought was going through everyones head;  What in Hades are we going to do?
2 chapters in one day. Boom! Look at me go. Anyway, just want to claifiy, Hades and Hestia are on the olympian council. The next chapter will be in the far future. I want to let all of my readers know (even if there aren't that many) that I won't update as often since I am about to start MAP testing. Also it is nearing the end of the year, so lots of homework and required reading. Just wanted to warn ya'll in advance. Keep calm and love Percy Jackson. Ooo P.S if anyone could find/make me a cover that would be awesome. I can't draw for the life of me. It would be very appreciate! Love you all!

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