Chapter 5 /./ The Discovery /./

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Previously on Find Love in Hell
"You never answered my wife's question. What are doing here?" Percy said with a irritated voice. "Wait WIFE!!??"
"Answer the question stop changing the subject." Percy said loudly. The demigods stared at him in shock. He got married?! IN TARTARUS! Well good things do happen to those who deserve it. Nico spoke up, "Hey Perce. Long time no see-" Before Nico could finish Percy tackled him and Thalia in a hug, thankfully they were standing right next to each other. "Hey Thals, Death breath. I missed you two the most." The son of Poseidon said after he pulled away from the embrace. "We missed you too." Thaila said speaking for the both of them. Then Nico said, "anyway, we are here to bring you home, you and your now discovered wife. Wow that is foreign. Percy Jackson has a wife. Who we don't even know the name of. So we answered your question-" "With some force." Elizabeth mumbled. "Ok we eventually answered it, so you should answer some of ours." Annabeth finished for Nico. The rest of the demigods glared and the child of Athena. "Ok then, I am Elizabeth Barren." "Oh my Gods your her?! I have looked up to you since I found out I who you were." Leo screamed. "Be quiet. That reminds me come inside. We have already had to fight enough today and probably don't want to anymore, right Percy?" "Of course love," Percy replied, then kissing her before taking her hand and walking inside. Annabeth was slightly jealous, that could of been me. Yeah but your a idiot. I know. Annabeth was thinking inside her head, internally groaning at her foolish actions. "Annabeth are you coming or not?" Jason hollered after her. Instead of answering she just starting jogging towards the building. She was the last one inside so there was nowhere for her to sit, immediately Percy got up and said, "you can sit here Annabeth." She said thank you and sat down awkwardly next Thaila and Nico. They hated her for what she did to Percy, they strongly disliked the others. "Ok so as you know I am Elizabeth Barren I fought for Olympus and won the war against Tartarus. But later on my loyalties were questioned, someone in my camp, which is Camp half-blood wanted me gone. His name was Thomas Whitewood, a son if Hermes. He was also my brother. He didn't like that I had defeated the primordial and told the Gods that I was the one to help him rise. I am summoned to Olympus and then sentenced to this place-" She was interupted by Piper, "how are you still alive?" She questioned. "I killed Kronos," The female demigod could tell that she was about to be interupted so she quickly said, "let me finish. Percy was the only one who could kill him that was living. We are the only one who can kill him a the moment and probably until we die. When I met Percy 300 years ago I made him immortal. I didn't want to be lonely anymore and he was funny." The married couple laughed after she said this, the other demigods chuckled along with them. "So what happened to you Percy, while you were down here?" Annabeth asked. "Well at first I was terrified, this place caused me and you so many nightmares. They didn't get any better when I was captured by Tartarus and tortured for 10 years." "WHAT?!?!?!" Everyone in the room except Elizabeth screamed, the wife of Perseus had a sad look on her face, "why didn't you save him?!" Annabeth screamed very loudly. "Keep it down Athena spawn. She couldn't get in. I was locked his sleeping quarters. So he could wake up, torture me and go back to sleep and me never knowing when he would wake again. I do not blame her, I couldn't even handle the guilt when I almosy got her killed." Percy said the last part more towards his wife. He leaned in and hugged her and mumbled in her ear, "I was stupid enough to get caught." He pulled away and gaved her a quick kiss on the lips. "When she got me out at this point we were dating so I propsed, knowing if one of us died, we would want to be married to the other." Percy smiled at Elizabeth. "Awwww," Piper cooed.  Percy sent a quick midly playful glare. "Bloody hell, you must hungry. Give me a minute to get some food. Since you oh so kindly interupted me a last time." Percy said already making his way to the dining room. He sat on a chair and closed his eyes, he concentrated and a few minutes later food appeared on the table. "Dinners ready!" Percy hollered.  The demigods came running into the eating area and randomly picked a chair, for some reason there was a perfect amount for all of them. The 7 excluding Percy but including Thaila and Nico expected some weird meat and stuff not pizzas, burgers, and basically anything they wanted. "How-" Frank started to say but was interupted by Percy who simply said, "Hesita." A chorus of ohs were heard, they had forgotten about his blessings. "So how exactly are you going to supposedly going to get us out. "A portal, all of the Gods used their powers to make one for when we need it. It leads right to the throne room." "Oh that is great, give Zeus a piece of my mind," Elizabeth said, "Then I'll stab him, somewhere it will hurt but not fatal." Percy finished. Jason spoke up, "your kidding right Perce?" "I could be when we get there you'll know," Percy smiles. "Well we should get going, they monsters will start prowilng soon," Elizabeth announces.  "Ok so whats the plan?" Annabeth asks. "Well where can you summon the portal?" Elizabeth asks. "A clear area meaning no magical interfernce or monsters." Nico answers. "Well then we can't do it here because of the barrier. So i suggest doing it by the Phlegethon River. If one of us gets hurt we can use the river if Elizabeth or I aren't available." Percy suggests. "Wow good plan seaweed brain," Annabeth jokes. Percy winces and snaps "Thanks." Annabeth smile falters, "Oh come on Percy it has been centuries for you! I know I made a mistake! I'm sorry! I get it, but you need to get over it!" "I loved you, with my heart and soul. I willingly jumped into this place so you wouldn't be alone. I held the sky, I went through 5 months of crap with Athena to marry you! And you say get over it? You broke my loyalty Annabeth! You shattered it. Without Elizabeth I would have been hell bent on revenge, wanting to rip everyone in this rooms head off! Well excluding Nico and Thaila. For all I care they are my only demigod family." Percy says the next part scarily calm. "You all hurt me, betrayed me for a demigod who just walked into camp. You believed his lies over your friend. You can't just apologize for that." Percy's old friends had no comment for that statement. Each and every one blamed themselves for Percy going to Tartarus. Nico wasn't there when Percy needed him, neither was Thaila, Piper and Hazel believed Josh's lies, Frank, Jason and Leo didn't listen and Annabeth, well she made the biggest mistake of them all. She made the wrong choice, she hurt the wrong person. "We should get going, we wouldn't want to run into trouble." Percy says hand in hand with Elizabeth walking to the door.

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