Chapter 4 /./In the near future/./

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One thought was going through everyones head;  What in Hades are we going to do? ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
300 years later (3 Earth years)
"Perce come on, they are catching up!" A female demigod screamed in her english accent. "You try running, while having to blast water at hellhounds." Percy yelled back, over the years he picked up an english accent as well. "I'm blasting fire and yet I still am ahead of you." "Oh shut it Elizabeth!" Percy yelled yet again. "She got through the barrier protecting her home and screamed towards the sprinting figure, "Hurry up I can't hold it up for much longer!" He raced through in record time. "Nice job idiot," she told him. "Hey I did pretty good, no need for those remarks." "But you know I love you." She said as she kissed him. " Yeah yeah I love you too Liz" he mumbled.  He and Elizabeth had been through Hell together. Quite literally, infact they were still there. But living with near unbreathable air, blood red skies and a neverending peak of mountains, you learn to make the best of a bad situation. That is why Perseus Jackson and Elizabeth Barren are now married, after dating for 100 they decided to make it eternal. They go inside and summon a huge meal, combining their blessings from Hestia they summon fruit, vegetables, meat and basically anything you want to est is sitting on that table. "So Percy, I heard a rumor while I was patrolling around the barrier." Elizabeth said suddenly. "Did you now? And what might that rumor be?" Percy questioned his wife. "That the Gods are trying to get us out, I don't know if it true. But is most likely to do with Tartarus preparing to rise. I mean he started like what? 200 years ago?" Elizabeth started to ramble. "I am sure it id because our family finally conviced Zeus that we don't deserve to be here. Alright love." "Yeah ok." If it wasn't for Elizabeth Percy would have died a long time ago. She made him immortal after all. "How exactly will you make me immortal?" Percy asked the female demigod. "Well I killed Kronos once when I was down here. He was weak and I took adventage of that. I felt like some of his essence would be useful so when he died I got some." She stated. "His essence?" Percy wondered. "His ichor. Anyway I discovered that if you mix it with some fire water, that weird river of misery or whatever and drink it, it will make you immortal." 'You drank it?!" He asked surprised. "Well yeah what was I supposed to do? Dump it down the drain? The ichor mixes with our mortal blood, then conpletely gets rid of it replacing it. Making the drinker immortal." She said to a astounded Percy. His intelligent answer was, "That is so cool!" "Yeah and your lucky I still have some left. This is the last of it, so yeah. Let me go and get the rest of the stuff. Stay here don't move." She said already walking out of the room. "Ok!" He yelled after her. He thought Why is she doing this. Maybe it is because she doesn't want to be alone anymore. I mean 300 years alone with no one to talk to, that is hell all by itself. Maybe she pities me, a confused demigod who fell from the sky. Haha the sky is falling. Stupid ADHD. "I have everything." Snapped him out of his thoughts. She mixed up the liquids and pushed the glass over to him. "Drink up." She said simply. "Uhh ok," was all he said. After he downed it she said, "oh yeah by the way the transformation process might be a little painful. You know becoming mortal, then immortal. So brace yourself. Your in for a bumpy ride." He groaned in pain.
(Time skip after the transformation)
"I feel stronger, and faster." Percy said to Elizabeth. "You should, if you didn't I would be worried." "Why?" He asked bluntly. "Why what?" She countered. "Why do you care?" "Because. You seem like a nice guy. I have been here for a while, I need some company. Would you rather me leave you in the middle of Tartarus alone, unsupplied and unarmed." She stated simply. "I have Riptide," he said like it was obvious. "Yeah at least you have a weapon. I didn't get to bring mine." "Well mine always appears back in my pocket, so I really can't not have it." Percy stated matter a factly. "Ok Slightly jealous but ok. " Elizabeth said with a jealous edge to her tone, not in a way that screams 'I'll kill you for it' but more of 'I'll steal jt every once in a while' kind of way. "We should test it, your immortality. Go kill some monsters, yeah?" Elizabeth said excitedly. "Yeah, that'll be fun. "  After the two demigods got settled into their home Percy decided to make some food, being blessed by Hestia and all you woukd think it wasn't that hard. The truth is that is is pretty difficult, the things he is trying to summon are on the surface while he is in Tartarus; a place very far from the surface. As he concentrates on dinner Elizabeth hears yet another commotion outside of the barrier. Only this time it sounded like yelling and shouting. "Hey Perce somethings going on outside." The female demigod whisper-shouted to her husband. He snapped out of his 'trance' and whisper yelled "What is it?" The pair started to creep towards the door. The closer they get the clearer the voices become. The couple opens the door to confront the intruders. At first they don't notice but Percy automatically recognizes the demigods on his doorstep. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Percy spat his voice filled with venom. "Percy?! Oh my gods is that you?!" Annabeth screamed. At the sound of Percy's name the rest of the demigods now had all of their attention towards the married couple. This included Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico and of course the daughter of Athena; Annabeth. "Who are you?" Elizabeth asked truly not knowing who the individuals were. "I could ask you the same thing." Annabeth said rudely. "You could or you could answer my question. You come to my home, screaming your heads off trying to attract every monster in this bloody place. We have a barrier for a reason! To keep them out, now they will be waiting for us to patrol so they can kill Percy and I, painfully and slowly. So I will ask again, who are you, and what are you doing here?" Elizabeth said in a scarily calm voice. Percy leaned over to whisper into her ear, "It's okay love." "Love?!" Annabeth screeched. "If you won't tell her your name I will, that is Annabitch. Oh excuse me I mean Annabeth. So sorry. That's Jason, Piper, Frank, Leo, Hazel and Nico." Percy stated pointing to the person as he spoke their name. When he introduced Annabeth all of the boys broke into laughter, but one glare from Annabeth shut them up. "Oh your Chase?" Elizabeth asked. Annabeth nodded. Right after the act of confirmation Elizabeth walked right over and slapped her. "You are a disgrace to Athena's name and deserve a fate worse than death." Elizabeth spoke with hatred lining her words. Annabeth knew what she was talking about and hung her head in shame. "You never answered my wife's question.  What are doing here?" Percy said with a irritated tone. "Wait WIFE!!??"

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