Chapter One /. /The Beginning/. /

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After the war Percy decided it was time, time to propose to his wisegirl. For she was the only one who has stayed by his side. Everyone else bought and believed his lies. A boy named Josh Aried came stumbling pass the borders of camp while he was being chased by hellhounds, and Percy being the brave demigod he is took on all five of them while Josh hid behind a tree. As they were being killed Josh became jealous of this boy's skills and told himself that he would make this boys life hell and that is what he did.

By the time he finished his mental rant Perct has already killed the hellhounds. Josh ran over to Percy tackling him and taking his sword in the process. When Chiron came over and asked "Whst is going on my dear boy?" Josh immediately answered with "This kid just hid behind a tree while I took on 5 of those things!" What happened next surprised the son of Poseidon "Perseus how could you?" Chiron asked. "Wait you beleive him?" Percy asked Chiron. "Why would he lie?" Chiron questioned Percy.
Before Percy could answer there was a little red glow coming from the new kid, Josh had been claimed. "All hail Josh Aired, Son of Ares!" Percy didn't expect anything more from the cowardice Ares spawn. Thankfully when Percy approached the seven they knew Josh was lying and that Percy protected Josh. But sadly they only sided with Percy for so long. Later that week the lies told by Josh spread like wildfire. The seven slowing started believing him. It started with Piper when Josh told her that Percy claimed Aphordite as a slut and nothing more, let's just say Percy's face hurt for a few days after Piper had confronted him. Jason and Leo sided with their friend, that left Annabeth, Frank and Hazel. Josh has told Hazel that Percy said that she deserved to die and that she just should have stayed dead. Frank sided with his girlfriend leaving Annabeth, a girl that Percy thought would always stay by his side. Having nothing else to lose Percy traveled to Olympus to ask for Athena's blessing. Her response was "If you complete the 12 labors of Hercules you can have Annabeth's hand in marrige." Percy came back from doing the labors 5 months later and Athena sent him to Hephaestus where he would craft the ring. One week later he had made the perfect ring, it has a silver band with sea green carvings, there were two stones, one was sea green with a owl in it while the other was a silvery diamond with a blue wave in it. He was transported by the god where he then went to the Athena cabin to find Annabeth. Malcom opened the door and greeted Percy with a warm smile, he was one of the few who didn't buy Josh's lies. "Where is Annabeth?" Percy asked Maclom. He responded with "I'm so sorry Perce, she is at the lake." And with that he closed the door. Percy being too happy to think twice about what he said, he only heard that she was at the beach. He jogged down there only to be met with moaning? He looked closer to find Josh, he scowled at the mere thought of him and a blonde kissing. Heavily. Looking more closely he realized he recognized those blonde curls.
"Annabeth?" He gasped. The couple automatically pulled apart and Annabeth immediately tried to explain. "Percy this isn't what it looks like!" She exclaimed to him. "Really because to me it looks like my girlfriend is cheating on me. I don't want to hear it Annabeth." He said calmly as she tried to interupt him. He threw the ring at her and said, "this has no meaning to me do what you want with it" She screamed, "no Percy please forgive me, Percy PLEASE!" "You were right Annabeth, Athena and Poseidon kids don't mix". Percy said over his shoulder. At this point Josh just stood there and had a smirk plastered on his face.
       When he finally got to his cabin he let the tears fall. All he could think is why? He stayed in his cabin for a few days wallowing in his own sorrow and not once did anyone try and check up on him. After about a week he heard someone knock on his door. He opened it hoping for Nico or Thaila, Nico was still sadly in the underworld with his father and Thaila is with the hunt. Instead there stood Hermes with a frown on his face. "You have been summoned to Olympus, I am sorry Percy I really am." And with that Hermes flashed him to Olympus and then walked to his throne. "Perseus Jackson you are here to be sentenced for your crimes. You have betrayed the gods and are far to powerful for your own good. You are to be sentenced to Tartarus for your crimes." During Zeus' rant Percy stood there in shock, They think I betrayed them? My fatal flaw is loyalty for god's sake! While Percy was thinking Zeus has already had a portal leading to Percy's worst nightmare ready. "Wait please let me have some time with my son, brother please." Poseidon didn't even bother arguing with the king of the Gods. He knew Percy was far to powerful, his powerful rivaled his own. "Fine," spat Zeus. "You have one hour." Poseidon and a few other gods and goddess rushed to the still shocked demigod. "Son are you okay?" Poseidon asked. "No Dad, my girlfriend cheated on me, my family thinks I worked for 2 beings I helped killed and they are threatened by my power. They know my loyalty lies with Olympus." Poseidon was speechless, this was the first he has heard of Annabeth cheating on Percy. He was about to start screaming when Hestia, one of the Goddess who came to Percy spoke instead, "Percy I have an offer to make you. You are the most kind hearted person I have every met if anyone deserves what I am about to give you it is you." At this point Percy was confused, having no idea what Hestia wast talking about. She realized how confused he was and decided to explain. "I want to make you make champion," she siad this like it was the easiest thing in the world. "Oh ok," was the only thing he could say. Hermes; who was one of the Gods who was there chuckled at his response. So with his 'permission' Hestia walked towards Percy and gave him a hug, as soon as they made contact Percy felt a warm feeling go through his body. "You can now give people hope, summon fire, heal and travel with fire and summon home cooked meals" Hesita said to Percy. "We would like to bless you as well Percy," said Hades who was standing there with Hermes, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, and Artemis. Artemis being there surprised everyone, mostly Percy. Since they were running out of time they all decided to bless him at the samem time. They shots orbs of power at the young demigod and when they hit him, he was overrun with a bunch of different emotions. Love, mischief, anger, peace and happiness. It was a bit overwhelming but the son of Poseidon managed. At some time during the run of emotions Percy had fallen to his knee. When he got up he noticed Aphrodite drooling over him more than usual, Artemis was even shocked. Heremes decided to speak up and tell him his new powers. "You know can lie easier, are sneakier, as I can tell handsomer-" "I thinker you mean hotter!" Interupted the love Goddess. "Sure whatever. You can charmspeak, are immune to charmspeak, can master any weapon, including the bow and arrow. You may also sing better and can use any instrument. You can shadowtravel and summon the dead. I would like to think you are always welcome in the Hunt-" "Yes that is correct" "You know I just love being interupted, anyway I think that is it. Yeah?" "Yes all the deties present say. "Come forth Perseus Jackson, Accept your doom!!" Zeus thundered. Percy walked to the center of the throne room. The gods and goddess walked back to their thrones solemnly. "You nephew have been sentenced to Tartarus, any last words Demigod?" By now Zeus had a portal leading to Tartarus. Percy walked over to the portal leading to the cause of his nightmares. "Yes uncle," he said as he jumped into the portal. "I swear in the River styx that I am innocent of these crimes." Before anyone could process what he said he was already falling, very much alive.
"What have we done?"
Just to let you know I DO NOT feel that way about Aphrodite and Hazel. I kove them both dearly. If your wondering why Aphordite sided with Percy is because she knew Percy didn't feel that way.  The gods could tell Percy was alive because of Hades, god of the underworld and all. Anthir clarification, the reason Percy felt the emotions when he was blessed was because it was the gods main emotion. Aphordite was love, mischief was Hermes, anger was Ares. You get my drift. Hope that clears things up in case anyone was wondering. Keep calm and love Percy Jackson.

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