Chapter 5: Passion without regret

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AN: WARNING: This chapter gets sexy so only read if you're really in for the smut. The extent of this kind of smut may never happen again but enjoy it while you have it ;). I can't believe I wrote this but hopefully, it doesn't disappoint. If it does, please cut me some slack because this is not my area of expertise. Enjoy!

- B

A month later

POV Hope

It's late in the evening when I finally put the new creature down and clean up the mess we left behind.

Today's creature was some sort of bird man. Kind of like a Hippogriff if it was evil. Anyway, it got messy with it flapping its gigantic wings into everything and also leaving huge feathers behind every time I hit it with a spell. I eventually found a spell that didn't require me to explode it to take it down.

As I'm walking back to the car I check my watch to find that it's only a quarter past 7 meaning Josie might not have eaten yet. I decide to pick up some food on the way home because even if Josie isn't hungry I'm starving.

After my quick run for food, I pull into my parking spot and run up the stairs to my apartment.

I pull my keys out of my pocket and wriggle the door open.

"Hey, I'm home." I place my keys into the key bowl and walk over to Josie who's sitting on the couch.

"Hey," Josie doesn't look up quite yet, finishing whatever she was doing.

I lean down to set down the food on the coffee table.

"Oh my god! What happened to you Hope?"

I look up to see Josie's appalled look.

At first, I'm confused about what she's talking about.

"You have blood all over your forehead!" Josie reaches up to touch my face.

I reach up to touch my head to find slightly fresh blood but no wound.

"Oh, I must've been scratched but didn't notice." I nonchalantly respond.

"What'd you mean you didn't notice?" Josie still looks worried.

"Babe, it's fine. I have hybrid healing remember? Nothing my body can't handle."

I try to reassure Josie but I can tell it's not helping.

"I know, but still. You're always coming home with some new blood covering you and I'm just scared one day it'll be an injury you won't able to heal from." Josie's eyes well up.

"Hey hey, look at me," I take Josie's face into my hands.

"I'm okay. I'm alive and nothing bad happened. I'm sorry I made you worry."

A single tear escapes Josie's eye which I wipe with my thumb.

"I'm going to go clean up and when I get back we can eat and cuddle okay?"

Josie just slowly nods.

I place a gentle kiss on top of her head and leave to shower.

Two weeks later

POV Hope

"Was that my dad again?" Josie asks as I walk out of the bedroom with my phone in hand.

"Yeah, he wanted me to meet him tomorrow back in Mystic Falls for another field job."

I approach Josie who's wiping down the countertop.

"I'm going with." She says sternly.

"What? No, it's not safe." I shake my head in disapproval.

"Then you shouldn't be going either." Josie gives me the look. The look of "you should know better".

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