Chapter 15: Even the playing field

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AN: Nothing much to say other than enjoy the chapter and stick around at the end for a couple of announcement!

- B

POV Josie

"I don't want to ever think about a life without you Josie because you remind me every day that I have something to live for and that my parents' death was worth something."

For the first time since I got here, I see Hope smile and it's a genuine one.

That's when it hits me. I don't want to wait anymore.

"Then don't," I look straight into Hope's eyes.

"Marry me, Hope." I breathe out.

I wait for a response but the silence is long and painful.

"Josie, I—" Hope's brows start to scrunch up.

I begin to panic.

This is what I feared the most. The moment I would make Hope wait too long and it would eventually push her away. I've finally done it. I ruined what possibly could have been the best thing in my life.

"I would love to." Hope relaxes her face and lets out a loose laugh.

My shoulders fall in relief

"Oh my god, for a second there I thought you were going to say no." I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Haha, yeah I saw." The corners of Hope's lips start to rise.

"Wait," I narrow my eyes.

"You did that on purpose?" My voice rises in disbelief.

Hope just sheepishly nods her head in response.

I lightly shove Hope with my body which she reacts with an overdramatic lean.

"Hey now, you should treat your future wife with some respect."

The way the word 'wife' sounds coming from Hope's lips creates butterflies in my stomach.

"I like that." My words come out slow.

"Like what?"

"The way you say, wife." I say with a big grin.

"Oh, is that so future wife?" Hope raises a brow while drawing out the last word.

"Absolutely. Definitely something I can get used to." My face turns serious and I nod.

"Me too." Hope smiles before leaning in to kiss me.

Our lips meet and somehow it feels like the first time all over again. An added spark to a rekindling of feelings. We've been together for ages but it feels like a new beginning. Her lips fit against mine like puzzle pieces meant to be.

"You ready to go home?" Hope's eyes look up at me her lips still hovering over mine.

"I think I am." I close the gap between us one last time but this time deepening the kiss.

Although we just agreed on leaving it feels so right to be here. Sitting under the moonlight tangled in each other's embrace.

"Okay, we should actually go now. There's a possibility that a couple of wolves are still roaming around for the full moon." Hope pulls away to look at me.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go."

I stand up first and offer my hand to help Hope up.

I remember as I was leaving the mansion Hope's car was still parked in the front meaning she walked all the way over here. We interlock our fingers and start making our way to my car.

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