Chapter 6: Sometimes life takes a turn

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AN: So, I actually wasn't planning on posting today because I inconveniently got sick but lucky you guys, I had this chapter already written so I mustered up the little energy I had to edit and post! Just a few clarifications before you start reading. Because this story takes place after episode 1x13 and because I took it on its own route the events of episodes 15 and 16 did not happen. Malivore is not the enemy in this story and Triad isn't the bad guy. So, in case any of you read this and think "hold up, that's not what happened in the show" it's because it didn't and I'm rewriting some of the events. Other than that this chapter is pretty straight forward! Oh, also, for those of you wondering when P is going to make her reappearance, she'll be back at the end of chapter 7 and heavily in chapter 9. Enjoy!

- B

POV Josie

I stir awake to the light snoring of Hope.

Hope's bare body is flush against mine holding me in her arms.

I turn while staying within in her hold so I'm facing her and I'm met by her deep ocean blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I quietly say placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"It's okay. If this is the view I get to wake up to every morning then I don't mind waking up at up." Hope's voice comes out husky.

Because of her once again cheesy comment I place another kiss on her lips this one more passionate than the one before.

"We should probably get up if we don't want to miss our flight." Hope pulls back to look at me.

I let out a groan. I forgot that I said I'd go with Hope to meet my dad for another field project.

"Yeah, we should." I pull the covers off my body.

The summer morning breeze meets my naked skin sending a shiver down my spine.

I grab my robe sitting on the floor next to our bed and put it on.

I turn around to find Hope smirking.

"Stop staring," I roll my eyes.

"I can't help it! You're hooot." Hope draws out the last word.

"Says you," I retort.

"What are you talking about?" Hope looks genuinely confused.

"Have you seen yourself?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"You're like hot times 100." This makes Hope blush.

"Shut up."

"Mhmm, yeah no. If you're going to stare and compliment I get to do the same."


Hope pulls the covers off her body and confidently stands in front of me. This time I'm the one to blush.

It's nothing I haven't seen before but without the heat of the moment and the dimmed lights, this feels more intimate than the night before.

"I'm going to take a shower, you coming with?"

Hope causally walks past me into the bathroom.

"We're going to be late then."

"No funny business I promise. Just showering. Maybe a little bit of touching but that's it I promise."

Hope brings her index finger and thumb together to show me how little.

"Fine, no funny business or else I'm leaving."

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