Chapter 18: At least we got our goodbye

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AN: Not much there to say except that I hope you enjoy!

- B

A week later

POV Josie

I look around the open field of the Salvatore school and all I see is black. People scattered everywhere in their neat black suits and dresses and children in their small black outfits. Black.

The past week we spent my dad's last dying days with him in his room. The doctors wouldn't allow him to leave the room or do any strenuous activities and we didn't see the point of tiring him out so we went with the doctor's orders.

Every day was hard but it was the last one that was the hardest. Everything about the last day was painful. God, it was even raining that day.


Raindrops covered the hospital windows as the rain poured down. Each drop pounding against the glass barrier.

"Could you pass me some water?" My dad's voice came out as a croak.

"Yeah, of course, dad." I reached over to the side table and brought the cup and straw up to my dad's mouth.

"You guys shouldn't stay." Tears started to well up in my dad's eyes.

We've all been waiting and watching for the past 24 hours. According to the doctor, these would be his final hours and there was no way we were going to leave him now.

"What are you talking about dad? There's no reason for us to go." Hurt stained my voice.

"I don't want you guys to see me like this." A single tear rolls down the side of my dad's face.

In an attempt to hide his face, my dad turned away and looked out the window.

"Alaric," I felt Hope's grip tighten around my waist as she called out to my dad.

"We're not going anywhere and it's not like you can fight us on it either." Hope tried to lighten the mood with some gentle humor.

This definitely earned a laugh from my dad, however, seeing him laugh only saddened me more. Seeing his fragile body shake ever so violently just to a simple laugh threatened my tears to spill.

"You know I love you guys right?" My dad finally turned back to look at us.

"Of course, we do daddy." Lizzie reached over and grabbed my dad's hand.

"I know it's nearly impossible for you guys but try to stay out of trouble okay?" A weary smile grew on my dad's face.

"No promises, but we'll try." Hope ran her hand up and down my dad's arm.

I saw my dad's chest rise and fall as his breaths got heavier. Each one taking up more energy than the previous.

"I'm getting tired." My dad let out a weak laugh.

"Close your eyes Alaric, get some rest." My mom ran her fingers through my dad's hair. I saw his body relax under her touch.

"Yeah, I will." I could see my dad's eyelids fighting the exhaustion.

"Just one more thing." With the last of his energy, my dad turns to look at us.

"I'm so proud of you girls. More than anything."

That's when the waterworks hit. All three of us had tears streaming down our faces.

My dad finally closed his eyes and that was the last time we saw his blue eyes.

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