Chapter 20: Epilogue

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AN: Here we are fam. The end of our journey is upon us. Enjoy this final chapter!

- B

7 years later

POV Josie

"Professor Saltzman?" I look up from the papers I'm grading to see a kid in the back row of the classroom raising his hand.

"Yes, Teddy?"

"What time is the assembly this week?"

"I'll have to ask the headmaster about that. I'll let you know tomorrow at the beginning of class. Sound good with you?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Yes, ma'am! Thank you!" The young boy flashes a big grin before starting to pack his bag.

Moments later, the bell rings and the kids start to get up to leave.

"Well, that's the end of class for today everyone. Make sure you turn in your assignments on your way out and I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I call out to the small children as they're scrambling out the door to lunch.

Once all the kids file out of the room only one is left in the class.

"Are we going to mommy now?" The small boy looks up at me with his piercing blue eyes.

If no one knew better they would've sworn he was Hope's biological kid.

"Yes, Ricky. Time to go remind your mom that she needs to take a break and eat lunch too."


I take my son's hand and start walking to my wife's office.

I knock on the office door but there's no answer. I push it open to find Hope scribbling something on a piece a paper with the school phone tucked between her head and shoulder.

"Okay, thanks, Lizzie. We'll be ready for her whenever you guys get here. I'll talk to you soon. Bye."

Hope hangs up the phone and looks up at us. A dopey grin forms on her face the moment she sees us.

"Mommy!" Ricky's hand leaves mine as he runs over to Hope at her desk.

"Hey, buddy!" Hope gets up from her chair and effortlessly lifts Ricky up into her arms.

"Did you have a good class today?" She glances between our son and me.

"Yeah! Mama taught us how to make fire!"

Ricky lifts his hands to demonstrate for Hope.

Hope immediately places her hand over the smaller one knowing exactly what he's about to do.

"How about we eat lunch and you can show me later in the yard?" Hope tries to compromise with Ricky which isn't a big hassle.

"Okay!" Ricky quickly complies.

"Haha, hi honey," I finally walk over and greet my wife.

"Hi babe," She leans over and places a quick peck on my lips.

"Yuck!" Ricky quickly covers his eyes with both his hands.

Both Hope and I laugh at our son's reaction. Nothing new for that matter too.

"Are you hungry buddy? Is it time for lunch?" Hope gently tickles the small boy's stomach which causes him to giggle.

"Yes!" He manages to say in-between his squirming and laughing.

"Let's go then!" Hope looks up at me.

"Can mama carry me to the cafeteria?" Ricky looks at Hope with his adorable pleading eyes.

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