Chapter 11: How do you love someone who doesn't love you back?

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AN: It's finally here, the chapter that'll answer so many of your questions! There are so many references and parallels to A Secret To Be Kept in this chapter, let's see if any of you pick up on them! Enjoy!

- B

POV Hope

I pace around the cold cellar impatiently waiting for Josie to wake up.

"Where the hell am I?"

I jerk my head around to the sound of the familiar husky voice.

"Of course you were working with them." Josie looks at Penelope and rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry Jojo," Penelope looks down at her hands apologetically.

"Oh, forget it. We both know you don't feel that sorry and I couldn't care less."

Josie starts to move in her seat causing the ropes to hiss against her skin.

"Ow! Vervain? Seriously?" Josie looks at her arms.

"Josie," I finally say something.

Josie's gaze is brought up to mine and our eyes meet for the first time since the night before.

"Hope," Her voice softens.

"Please take these off of me. They hurt so much." Josie sounds desperate. Tears even well up in her eyes.

"Hope," Aunt Freya breaks my attention away from Josie to caution me.

"I'll get them off Josie, just turn on your humanity please." I take a step closer to the edge of the containment spell.

"Ugh, of course, that's what you say." Josie falls back into the chair and her act drops.

"Jo, please. Turn your humanity back on. I promise I'll get you out of there." I beg.

"Why would I do that. I was having so much fun."

"This isn't you. I know this isn't what you want." I take another step forward and then feel Lizzie's hand on my arm stopping me.

"This isn't the Josie I fell in love with," I say quietly.

"Why do you care? It's not like it's the first time you've loved someone who turned out to be a monster. I mean look at your past. There's your dad who we all know has made a rep for himself that is before he died of course, and there's your mom. Who knows what she's done to survive I mean she was a Mikaelson after all and then there's Roman who turned out to be working with his psychopathic mother to help kill yours so what difference does it make if you add me to the list." Josie says nonchalantly.

I know this is humanityless Josie talking but every word still pierces me.

"Josie, stop." I turn my head to the blonde who confronts her sister.

"Oh, cut the crap, Lizzie. You're enjoying every second of this. Knowing I'm a ripper makes you relieved that you're not the broken one of the family anymore. This makes your pathetic little life seem worth something." Josie bites back at her sister.

This immediately silences Lizzie.

"What is wrong with you? You think running around killing people and saying hurtful things is going to make you content? Fill your neverending hunger? You're right, my father was a monster. My mother, she killed a countless number of people and yeah, my ex got my mom killed but you know what? I don't regret loving any of them." I angrily yell back.

"You're just like Lizzie, pathetic. You guys think you guys will rise from the ashes of your sad lives but that's not true. You're just hiding from the reality of your lives. I was your one hope and now that I'm gone you have nothing to live for Hope. Just admit it, you're just terrified of the truth which is why you're so des—" The brunette suddenly shuts up.

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