i. the norns

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Here's the first chapter of Doomed!

For those of you who might have stumbled upon this book, this is the third book in the Harbinger series, so go check out my first book Enchanted to avoid any confusion or spoilers!



Amora had not known what to expect when she arrived in Yggdrasil.

Growing up, she had heard stories about the Norns and their home. About the cruel sisters that judged the universe and dolled out death. About the beautiful, strange world that they called home.

The planet certainly lived up to the tales. It was a beautiful planet, covered in lush green forests. But none of the trees compared to Yggdrasil. The great ash tree towered over all of the others. Whenever Amora peered up to see its peak, the sun hindered her vision, but she almost thought that she could see wisps of clouds around the top.

The sky was always clear and blue. The Yggdrasil tree seemed to get its water from the pools scattered around it rather than rain.

It was quiet around the tall ash tree, as it had been for the past few days of Amora's stay. Aside from the creatures that scurried through the leaves and brush, the Norns were the only inhabitants of the planet.

All was quiet until Verdandi straightened from where she sat by the pool of water with Amora.

"You know what I don't appreciate?"

"Silence," Skuld offered from her place by Yggdrasil.

Verdandi scoffed at her dark-haired sister. "No. It's the mortals."

Urd sighed, glancing up from her weaving. "Here we go again."

It was safe to say that the Norns were not entirely what Amora had expected.

They did not appear accustomed to having company. Skuld rarely spoke to Amora, only regarding her coolly before returning to her carvings on Yggdrasil. Urd tried to be nice to Amora; she at least smiled at her. Verdandi tried a little too much.

"They all think we're a bunch of old crones." Verdandi motioned to her blonde sister. "They even call you the Hag. How can you stand such disrespect?"

Urd shrugged. "Simple. I don't care."

"Well, if you knew what they wrote, you would."

Verdandi seemed to know everything. That had been made apparent from the moment that Amora first arrived.

When the light of the Bifrost had disappeared, depositing Amora on the planet, the Norns were there waiting for her.

It startled the sorceress. She had expected a delay—maybe even a test or trial—before meeting them. And yet here they stood.

The tallest of the three watched Amora with a careful neutral gaze, her hands clasped in front of her. The other blonde Norn gave Amora a warm smile, bouncing slightly where she stood.

All three sisters wore black cloaks, but the the third sister wore only dark clothes. This dark-haired Norn regraded Amora coldly, without any trace of a smile.

Amora cleared her throat. "Hello. I'm—"

"Amora." The blonde in the middle stepped forward, her smile only growing. "We know. We've been expecting you."

"Oh." Amora returned the smile. "Well, I'm from—"

"We know," the tallest sister said with a tense attempt at a smile.

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