xvii. the queen

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The hall broke out into movement as Asgardians collected their bags and gathered up with their loved ones. They all started making their way towards the back of the hall. Sunlight pierced through the shadows as Heimdall opened the rear door, and everyone began to funnel out.

It was a slow process. Amora shifted from one foot to another, watching anxiously as her people trickled out.

She pressed her lips together and shook her head. "This is going too slow," she murmured.

"Well, you were the one who didn't object to being at the back," Lorelei spoke, examining her fingernails.

"That's not what I mean."

Heimdall weaved through the people, pausing to help someone pick up a bag, before reaching the two sorceresses.

"She isn't bringing her army here. It's only her and her executioner." He looked around the hall. "We won't be able to get everyone out before she gets here."

"We can take care of that," Amora spoke.

Heimdall looked at her, and Amora felt his eyes pierce through her, too knowing. "Are you certain?"

"We'll be fine, Heimdall. You go on."

With a glance at Lorelei, the gatekeeper nodded and started back toward the exit.

Amora and Lorelei made their way to the edge of the hall as the last of the Asgardians shuffled closer to the exit.

"Alright," Amora started, "When Hela gets here—"

A low light pulsed behind her. "Amora?"

"Loki?" she breathed.

She whirled around to see an image of the trickster flicker to life. His face broke out into a relieved smile. "I wasn't sure if this would work."

His image faltered and Amora frowned. This sort of communication always took intense concentration, and even through the unsteady spell, Loki was looking paler than normal.

"This isn't really a good time."

"I don't have much time to explain." Loki's face turned grim, his eyes darting around distractedly. "You need to get to the nearest planet. I'm coming to get you."


"Unless you can convince the Norns to allow me access to Yggdrasil—"

"Loki," she said, exasperated, "I'm not on Yggdrasil."

Green eyes snapped to look at her, alarm flashing through them. "What?"

Lorelei leaned over Amora's shoulder. "She's on Asgard, genius."

Loki blinked. "You're on Asgard," he repeated, the barest tremor in his voice.

He stared off for a moment. Amora could practically see his mind scrambling for a solution. "Alright...alright." He nodded. "Is there a way for you to get off-planet?"

"We have the Bifrost sword and are moving people to the Bifrost now, but...Hela will be here any moment."

Loki drew in a shaky breath and stepped back, running a hand through his hair. After a beat, he whirled around and yelled, "Korg, reset our course for Asgard."

"Ay, man," a voice called back, "Do you know how many jump points that is?"

"I don't care. Just get us there. Immediately." Loki turned back to Amora. "We're on our way."

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