ii. the king

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In honor of Enchanted reaching 100k reads, here's another chapter!!


Loki had known that ruling would not be easy. Ever since he was a boy, he had carefully watched his father as he went about his kingly duties. He knew that one day, the same would be expected of him.

Loki had anticipated the war councils and the general council meetings. He had expected the royal appearance that he would have to uphold and the needs of the people that he would have to meet.

But he had not anticipated Huginn and Muninn: Odin's most dependable spies.

Loki had always been aware of the brothers. Odin's elite spies were known as the Ravens, and of that force, Huginn and Muninn had served him the longest. Every morning they came to Odin for the day's assignments, and every evening they returned with information.

As children, Thor and Loki had often wondered about how their father's Ravens operated. They always strained to listen when the spies whispered in Odin's ear in the dining hall.

Loki recalled once seeing one of the brothers after breakfast, leaving the king's presence with a new assignment. The young prince, only a child, had watched from around a column as the strange man walked toward a balcony.

The man had paused and looked back over his shoulder. Loki could remember his own shock at being discovered; Amora had been helping him practice how to conceal himself. His father's spy only gave him a quick wink before transforming into a bird—a raven—and flying off into the sky.

Loki sat back on the throne—his throne—as he awaited the return of his spies. Just like every night, the flap of wings alerted him to their return. Their black wings were almost impossible to see against the dark night sky, but they were revealed by the light of the throne room.

Reaching the throne, the birds transformed into men, both dark-haired and blue-eyed. Although, one had a broader build than the other. They both gave their king a nod.

"How were your flights?" Loki asked. The sound if his father's voice coming from his mouth still startled him.

"Uneventful, but not too boring." Huginn spoke with a satisfied smile.

The broader of the two brothers—Muninn—scoffed. "I wish I could say the same. I was nearly caught by S.H.I.E.L.D., looking into their HYDRA infestation."

The spy gave his sleeve the barest sniff and wrinkled his nose. "I smell like a metropolitan dumpster now."

"Oh." Huginn smirked. "I thought that was just your natural aroma."

Loki smiled. He did not know exactly how long the brothers had been in Odin's service, but it was long enough for them to no longer care about formalities. Something that Heimdall obviously did not share.

He imagined that if he had known the brothers better, the three of them would have gotten along. Huginn and Muninn were not as brutish as the other men in the king's service. The two had a knack for knowing things that they shouldn't. Their information gathering was unprecedented.

"What news do you bring for me today?" Loki asked.

"Prince Thor continues to work with his allies on Midgard," Muninn spoke, "They are working with S.H.I.E.L.D. to combat HYDRA's threat."

Huginn snorted. "They're so oblivious."

The king leaned forward on the throne. "And Loki's scepter?"

Since learning from Gamora that the Mind Stone had once been in his possession, a part of Loki wanted to find it.

"It's in HYDRA's possession. They're using it for experimentation." Muninn shuddered. "They certainly have not changed in the last few decades."

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