xi. the harbinger

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"Welcome to the Black Order."

Amora's breathed in sharp gulps of air, her head spinning. The cold air of the ship stung her lungs.

The Black Order surrounded her. Their imposing figures just visible under the low light.

She shook her head. This could not be what she was destined for. Who she was meant to become. She could not accept that.

"I know what you intend to do with the Stones." Amora craned her neck up to face the Titan, but some instinctive part of her wanted to curl in on herself. To curl around where she kept the Reality Stone hidden. It felt like the Stone was burning through her, glowing hot for everyone to see. "What makes you think I will do anything for you?"

The ship shuddered as it left Yggdrasil. It was almost enough to hide Amora's own trembling.

Thanos only smiled at her. It was soft, almost sympathetic. "It is your destiny."

Amora's hands clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms. Before the phrase had sounded like music to her ears. Like a promise. Now she was tired of hearing it.

"I am not bound to my destiny."

"But you are not completely free of it either." Thanos turned his back to her, moving to take off his helmet. "I have heard many things about you, Amora Erikdottir."

Amora bristled at the name.

If he noticed, Thanos gave no sign of it as he went on. "Karnilla was very proud of you. Despite her arrogance, she could recognize talent. And even when you weren't under her tutelage, you did good work." He turned to face Amora. "You want to protect people. To heal them. I need you to help me save our universe from dying."

The pleading edge in his voice almost disturbed Amora more than his words. He meant it. He truly believed that this was good.

Thanos nodded to one of his followers. "Set us on course, Maw."

Amora spared a glance at the Black Order only to find cold gazes. When she turned back, Thanos was regarding her, measuring her.

He gave a small nod. "For all of her failings, Karnilla was right. You will be useful."

A tremor ran up Amora's spine. "You killed her."

"I did." Thanos nodded. "She gave me no choice. She grew ambitious and arrogant, and I could not afford someone like that in my ranks."

"You tried to have Lorelei killed," Amora said, her tone taking a sharper edge.

"She had gained your mentor's flaws. She wanted the Stones for herself. But you don't." He gave a small smile. "Which is why you're going to help me get them."

With a wave of his hand, he brought up a holoscreen. The image of a glowing, purple stone floated before them. "Starting with the Power Stone."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, I'm going to burn your planet to ash."

A weight dropped in Amora's stomach. Ragnarok. She had seen Asgard in flames. But it was supposed to be at Surtur's hand, not Thanos.

"You wouldn't," she said, her voice wavering.

"You're right," he conceded, "Killing off an entire race would be a waste. But I would slaughter half of your people."

The weight grew heavier.

Thanos looked up at another screen. A small line marked a trajectory for the ship. "You still have some time to consider my offer before we reach Xandar."

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