vii. the escape

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The guards standing outside of the dungeons gave a start at the flash of green light that deposited Amora in front of them. Asgard's dungeons had spells cast over them to prevent any sorcerers from teleporting in or out.

So Amora has no choice but to go through the front door.

One of the guards gave her an odd look before his eyes lit with recognition. "Lady Amora. It has been a short while since we last saw you here."

Amora was still fuming from her encounter with Loki, but she pushed the anger down.

"Yes, it has. I'm afraid I just can't stay away." She tried to not appear too tense as she moved to pass through. "I'm need to speak to Heimdall."

The guard stepped in her way and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm afraid the gatekeeper is not allowed to see anyone."

Amora raised an eyebrow. "Isn't Heimdall capable of seeing everything?"

"Well..." The guard glanced away. "Technically, yes."

"Then I guess you don't have much control over that."

Amora went to step around him, but placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Amora, but I can't let you pass."

She glanced at the other guard, who had moved closer, and placed her hand on the one on her shoulder.

"Yes, you can."

The two guards stepped out of her way. "Of course."

As Amora made her way down the dungeon halls, her eyes scanned each cell that she passed, searching for her friend.

"What can we do for you, my lady?" The guard's distant voice echoed from behind.

A low voice answered, "I'm here on the Allfather's orders."

Amora tensed. Loki had sent someone after her. Her steps quickened, and she looked back over her shoulder.

But it was not a member of the Einherjar at the top of the dungeon steps. It was a small woman in clothes that were not traditional Asgardian dress.

The woman turned and met Amora's gaze. Her dark eyes seemed to pierce through the sorceress, and Amora's blood ran cold. This was no royal guard; this was worse.

Amora turned and quickened her pace. She could not fight right now. She needed to find Heimdall.

"Enchantress," the woman called.

Amora closed her eyes and let out a breath before turning to face her.

She had to tilt her head down a little. With how she carried herself, the woman looked taller from a distance, but she was actually shorter than Amora.

"You know me?"

"I'm a Raven," the woman said, "It's my job to know things."

She looked Amora up and down, her eyes narrowing. "Are you here to break Heimdall out?"

"Yes." Amora shifted on her feet. There was no point in avoiding this.

The barest uptick of the corner of her lip was the only change in the spy's expression. "Good."

Amora's mouth opened as the Raven started walking past her. Only after a beat did she move to follow. "Wait, what?"

"I've worked for Odin for centuries. In the past few years, he had begun to act strange. I had my suspicions. Heimdall's imprisonment was the only confirmation I needed."

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