xii. the ultimatum

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Amora crossed her arms, frowning down at the hologram of the Xandarian capital spread out before her. The location of the Power Stone pulsed with a purple light underneath the Nova Corps headquarters.

Proxima Midnight circled the holographic table. "Once the Chitauri have taken care of the Nova Corps forces, we will retrieve the Stone. No one will be left standing to oppose us."

The Chitauri. Thor had told Amora of the horrors of the Chitauri invasion. The Avengers had won, but New York was in ruins and countless people were dead. Amora shuddered, imagining the city before her in ruins.

She looked around the table. Now that the Black Order's mission had been laid out, they looked to their master. Thanos eyed the map, hunger glimmered in his eyes, and he gave a nod.

Amora stepped closer to the table. "The last time you carried out this plan, it failed, did it not?"

All heads snapped to glare in her direction. She faltered, but continued. "I thought you would have learned from that."

"Watch your tongue, witch," Ebony Maw snapped.

Thanos held up a hand. "Let her speak."

Amora took a breath. "The last invasion failed. And that may be your typical course of action with any primitive planet, but this is Xandar. They have already rebuilt their fleets after Ronan's attack. You don't want to take them on directly."

"And you're suddenly interested in our success?"

"You're going to get the Power Stone no matter what, aren't you? If we do this another way, there will at least be less casualties."

Corvus Glaive narrowed his eyes. "And what way would you suggest?"

Amora shrugged. "Break into their headquarters. I've snuck through the halls of Asgard a hundred times. I can help get us in Nova Corps. Although," she hesitated under the Black Order's scrutinizing gazes, "I don't know enough about this place to have a perfect plan."

Thanos regarded her for a moment before nodding. "The Black Order will take care of the rest."

A shuffle of dissatisfaction passed through the Order, but no one dared speak a word against Thanos.

Thanos stopped at Amora's side as he moved to leave. "You will not fail."

It was no reassurance. Failure was not an option.

* * *

The flash of green faded and Amora found herself in an empty street within the main sector of Xandar, magic still humming at her fingertips. Amora could not help but smirk as Proxima and Corvus both gave a shudder at her side.

Proxima tucked her weapon under her cloak. "We split up and converge on the Nova Corps headquarters to avoid detection from their guards. Meet at the building just north of the headquarters' rear entrance."

Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw were on their way to the main power source to the headquarters. With minimal tampering, they would be able to disable most of the more durable doors in.

Corvus pierced Amora with a hard look. "Don't get any ideas, harbinger."

He gave Proxima a long look, his face almost softening, before nodding and disappearing around a corner.

She turned to Amora, looming over her. "If you ruin this mission, you will be the last Asgardian I kill before I plunge your race into extinction."

Amora swallowed and nodded. "Understood."

As she walked alone, Amora was struck by the pleasantness of the walk through Xandar. It truly was a beautiful planet. The sky was a clear blue, as though it did not care about the threat lingering over the planet.

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