Chapter 4: Interviews

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    Sorry for the wait my lovelies. My laptop was supposed to be fixed by now, but I guess it's not meant to be. So here's the next chapter :) sorry but it's not edited at all and it's short.

  Chapter 4: Interviews

         It has been two weeks since the incident. I had woken up in the hospital the next morning with to a worried Jared, Lori, James, David, Jeff, Will, and Tony. I had a pretty bad concussion, some scrapes and bruises, and a long gash on my side that I don't remember getting. They said it would all heal, but the gash would scar.

   I remember I had laughed and said it could have been worse. Of course I was met by disapproving eyes and after the doctor had left, I was bombarded with questions, lectures, then hugs.

  Now I'm sitting at the club doing interviews with possible candidates for my new roommate. James was kind enough to let me use it since business is slow  earlier in the day and it's a simple bar. There's a wall that James rolls out during the day that separates the bar from the club part.

This is now my fifth interview today and they have all been disappointing. One guy who looked like a drug addict kept twitching and picking with scabs and open wounds on the inside of his arms. Then when I told him he wasn't what I was looking for he said my standards were " too damn high" and then had the nerve to ask if he could borrow twenty bucks and wouldn't tell me what for, then asked if there was any drug houses in the neighborhood. Like really? After him was a woman who had four cats and then there was  a woman who kept talking to herself, a man with two wives who didn't  even come for the apartment but  to make me his third wife instead, I'm not even going to talk about the guy with the bad body odor. The interviews I had last week were not this bad except the lady who wanted to move in with her 40yr old son who also didn't believe in showers. I wonder if him and the other guy with bad hygiene are friends.

  I'm now down to my last applicant and really I'm so tired that I don't even want to be bothered. I sigh laying my head on my notepad that I have to write down pros and cons of each person,but they were all so bad, it's full of nothing but doodles. When I hear someone take the seat next to me, I sigh  with a fake smile plastered on my face. That smile quickly turns legit when I see the eye candy in front of me. He has short light brown hair with  gorgeous hazel eyes. I get lost in them at first, but I snap myself out of it, remembering this is a interview.

I clear my throat and sit up straight. "Sorry, it's been a long day full of wackos. I pray your not one," I say before covering my mouth and apologizing.

He gives me a dashing grin. I'm going to faint.

"It's fine. I completely understand. " he smiles.

"OK..." I look at the file for his name," Danny, it says here you at employed. May I ask where"

I start asking the questions from the application, to see if what he says matches his application, then I start asking about hobbies, favorite foods, favorite movies, He answers all of them, but raises an eyebrow when ask him he lifts the toilet seat when he pees and if so does he remember to put the seat back down.

I blush and apologize. As I stammer to explain he holds his hand up to stop me. "I understand," he chuckles. "Yes I lift the toiletseat, and yes I remember to put it down, but even if I didn't lift the seat, I have good aim and I won't dare leave the seat up. You're so small I'd be scared you would fall in and drown."

I laugh. "You ass. I'm not that short," I playfully slap his shoulder. We banter like old friends and I completely forget the time. Before I know it, James is opening the wall between the stage and the bar.

"Shit, I can't believe, we talked that long," I grin.

"I can,"he smiles. "You're a interesting person to talk to."

I blush. "So when do I move in," he asks.

"What makes you think I chose you?"

He gets an arrogant smirk that makes me roll my eyes. "You obviously like me."

"A bit cocky arnt we?"

" I have good reason to be."

"Hmmm. I'll tell you what. I'll review my options and give you a call."

"Alright." He gets up and says his goodbyes.

I watch him walk out the door. He may have left, but my smile hasn't. I can't wait to talk to Lori about this.

The moment I get home I call Lori and invite her over. She's all too happy to accept. When she arrives, I immediately tell her about Danny. How he's twenty-five, working as a nursing assistant, still going to college and has a nice truck. I tell her how cute he is and how we have a lot in common. She gives me a weak smile.

"What," I ask.

"Well, all that's great and all, but have you done a background  check on him?"

" No. I didn't think I would need to. He's so perfect and hot."

"Aria you should always do background checks on someone who may be living with you."

I groaned. She was right. I may be jumping the gun because I'm so tired of all the interviews with weirdos and people with impolite ass body odor. Like really, that shit's just rude and offends three of my five senses. It burns my eyes, ruins my air supply, and so potent it ruins my appetite. Catch more bees with honey?More like you get butterflies instead of flies with soap.

Through my mental ramble of the importance of hygiene I forgot that Lori was here.


I look at her. "Huh."

"Let's look him up," she laughs.

"Oh yeah. Ok"

We grab my laptop and got on one of those public sites where you can see if people have a criminal history. We type in Danny's full name and he surprisingly pops up. My heart drops.
He apperantly has been accused of sexually harassing a few female nurses and patients and for selling some of  the hospitals drugs. Oddly all charges were dropped so he wasn't convicted  of anything, but still those are pretty serious things and I don't want someone like that living with me.

Lori gives me an apologetic look as I sigh. I give her a smile and thank her for helping avoid a potentially bad situation. I call Danny and tell him I've changed my mind and that I'm going to continue my search. He sounded heartbroken, but he seemed to understand. I lay back on the couch. This is going to be a much longer process than I thought.

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