{Chapter 1} The Note

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I walk into my new school. God, this school is huge. I thought while looking at the school pictures. Although I have no friends, I'll try to make new ones it can't be that hard. I miss my old friend my only friend I ever had.

the next day

I need to get to class I can't be late on my first day!!! Its math and across the school.. shit . whelp, I'm dead pfft- why am I laughing at my own jokes-. I've never gotten along with myself, i've always put myself down thinking 'I'm so stupid I bet no one will ever like me or even wanna look at me when I walk through the halls'. Anyways I need to go faster or ringgggg the bell rung. fuck- now I gotta run. It's been a couple days, I noticed this really cute boy that sits right behind me. He gave me a smirk when I walked in, I'm not sure if he likes me or is just being nice. Anyways I wanna get to know him, I should write him a note. If he'll accept it. I'm gay but I can't let my feelings control me like they did at my old school.

The note read: Hi, I'm Sam I'd like to be your friend if you don't want me to be it's ok. - Sam <3

Wow, that was cheesy whelp, here goes nothin. I passed the note to him, he smiled. 'Wow, how could someone be so cute, I wonder quickly gazing behind me at him writing back.' "Passing notes Samuel, Colby give me the note" The teacher said as she walked over to Colby's seat. She snatched the note and read it to the class "Hi, I'm Sam I'd like to be your friend if you don't want me to be it's ok." Everyone laughed I put my head down, tears rolled down my face, I swiftly wiped them. I look behind me to see him writing on a small piece of paper he sneakily puts it in my chair and I see it. I wipe my eyes again and open the Note.
The note read: Sure but make it secret nowhere public or all my friends would HATE me lmao, sorry it has to be like this but a lot of people call u nerdy but I idk, I don't think you seem nerdy, Idk I'm not good with emotion. - Colby :)

This helps I have a.. temporary friend? whatever he is , it's good I sorta have someone, and thank god none of his friends are in our math class.

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