{Chapter 16} really?

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It had been a week after the small kitchen incident and they had all forgotten. Colby on the other hand was stressing for the right time and the right place to do it. (not like that ya nasties)  He had already bought fancy fairy lights, a red and white plaid picnic blanket and a cute little picnic basket. He was in the kitchen about to call Kat knowing she could help since she had dated him for a year before he even met Sam.

Sam was upstairs with Corey playing video games and making stupid jokes about whose a noob even though they've both played for a long time.

Jake was with Tara. No one knows what they're doing, they're probably watching SpongeBob or at the beach.  Sam ran downstairs after losing 3-5. Colby was going upstairs at the same time. Colby and Sam did that awkward dance you do when someone's in your way so Colby just turned around and decided to walk back to the kitchen with Sam.

Colby was on the last stair as he realized.. the ring was RIGHT there on the counter. Colby had picked up the ring the night before planning on proposing tomorrow on the 8th. (which is my birthday) He dashed towards the counter and grabbed it. "What did you just- was there a bug or?" Sam said extremely confused. "uh- yeah!" Colby said a little to excitedly before fake throwing away the "bug"  making Sam let out an awkward confused chuckle and a small "okay~". 'there goes another 'kitchen incident'' Colby thought as he walked upstairs to get ready to go to Kat's house.


Colby parked in Kat's driveway seeing she was already at the door. "Hello stranger" she said playfully. Colby walked in and they sat on the couch as she turned off the tv. "Proposing are we? let me see the ring" you could tell Kat was VERY excited about this. Colony pulled the ring out of his pocket and showed her "it was expensive i'll tell you that" Colby said with a small chuckle. Kat was in awe at the ring though she responded "yeah I bet, need a drink?" Kat offered seeing how stressed Colby looked knowing his life partner could say no and the entire plan would've been for nothing. He started hyperventilating once he realized 'i'm actually about to do this in less than 24 hours' he just needed some water "sure, water please, make it quick". Colby and Kat talked about the arrangements as Devyn and Xepher came through the door "are we interrupting something?" Xepher said chucking lightly then looking at Devyn. "no, no, actually Colby and I were talking about the proposal arrangements" Kat said making Devyn squeal in excitement. "Oh i can't wait! I know he'll say yes!" She said giggling as she sat down. "I sure hope so" Colby said calming down more. They talked for another few hours before Colby when back home and laid in bed knowing the future of his relationship could be all or nothing tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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